Saturday, April 20, 2013

@19:15, 4/18/13



Life, Interrupted: A Chat With Suleika

Suleika Jaouad, “Life, Interrupted” columnist, answers questions about her treatment, why she sometimes takes breaks from writing and her new rescue dog, Oscar.
Bone Cancer; Cancer; Dating and Courtship; Dogs; Writing and Writers; Youth;

We could talk about a dog.
Business Day

Greece Reaches a Deal for More Bailout Money

The nation and its foreign creditors agreed to economic measures that include thousands of layoffs in the civil service.
European Sovereign Debt Crisis (2010- ); Government Employees; Layoffs and Job Reductions;

There has been no growth.  No recovery.
There is no chance Greece will pay its debts.

Beyond Profit: A Talk With Muhammad Yunus

The founder of microfinance discusses his fight to protect the Grameen Bank and the future of social business.
Microfinance; Poverty;

He understands the problem.
He found a solution.
It depends on motivated proprietorship.
The attack from his government is on the proprietorship.

Don't Talk the Talk

The new Mexican government’s best strategy for dealing with drug crimes is to stop talking about them.
Crime Rates; Drug Abuse and Traffic; Murders and Attempted Murders; Organized Crime;

Mexico is still in the same trouble.

Arctic Nations Seek Common Management of Fishing as Open Water Spreads

Facing an opening Arctic Ocean, nations opt to mange any new fishing effort cooperatively.
Arctic Ocean; Arctic Regions; Fishing, Commercial; Global Warming; Treaties;

Planning is advancing.

Medals for Drone Warriors Canceled

Under pressure, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel instead ordering military leaders to develop a pin or device that would be attached to existing medals or ribbons.
Awards, Decorations and Honors; Cyberwarfare; Drones (Pilotless Planes); United States Defense and Military Forces;

"When I consider how my light is spent
Ere half my days in this dark world and wide,
And that one talent which is death to hide
Lodged with me useless, though my soul more bent
To serve therewith my Maker, and present
My true account, lest he returning chide,
"Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?"
I fondly ask. But Patience, to prevent
That murmur, soon replies: "God doth not need
Either man's work or his own gifts: who best
Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best. His state
Is kingly; thousands at his bidding speed
And post o'er land and ocean without rest:
They also serve who only stand and wait."

Long Island Inquiry Includes Claim of Altered High School Exam Score

An inquiry into whether teachers in the Long Island district improperly coached elementary students now includes an accusation that administrators changed a Regents exam grade.
Tests and Examinations; Education (K-12); Teachers and School Employees; Cheating;

This is nothing I have first hand knowledge about.
Business Day

Fewer Bank Accounts May Result in More Savings

Consolidating your bank accounts may help you save more, new research finds.
Budgets and Budgeting; Colleges and Universities; Savings;

More numbers are harder to track is the content.
Your situation may be that your total exceeds the limit of deposit insurance
on one account. 
The FDIC is very safe. 
The same cannot be said of many banks.

Business Day

Barclays Investment Chief, Rich Ricci, to Step Down

Rich Ricci, a top lieutenant to former Barclays’ chief executive Robert E. Diamond Jr., had long been expected to leave the British bank after his name surfaced in the inquiry into the bank’s role in the manipulation of Libor.
Appointments and Executive Changes; Banking and Financial Institutions; Libor (London Interbank Offered Rate); Suspensions, Dismissals and Resignations;

Barclays has been in trouble for several years.  

Lighting a Spark on the High Plains

Nebraska, our remote, conservative, flyover state, seems like an odd place to make a stand for clean water and fertile land, but we will be at the heart of those battles.
Keystone Pipeline System; Agriculture and Farming;

I will cheer them on.
Real Estate


Notable properties that have been recently listed for sale, sold or leased.
Real Estate and Housing (Residential); Renting and Leasing (Real Estate); Real Estate (Commercial);

I am not ready to be urban.

Cycling Past an Afghan Taboo

Shannon Galpin, the founder of a nonprofit organization that aids women in conflict zones, noticed she was the only woman cycling in Afghanistan. She has set out to change that.
Bicycles and Bicycling; Women's Rights; Philanthropy;

The cultural change is desperately needed.
This seems a hard way to get it.

Honduras: Attorney General Is Suspended

Saying it was frustrated with some of the worst criminal violence in the world, the Honduran congress suspended the attorney general and his assistant.
Attorneys General; Suspensions, Dismissals and Resignations; Crime and Criminals;

Usually it is the job of the police to catch the suspect.  The attorney general
is not a prosecutor and prosecutors do not build cases.
Things may be different there.
Business Day

Rising Bank Profits Tempt a Push for Tougher Rules

Steady earnings growth on Wall Street could embolden the lawmakers and regulators who want to overhaul the banking system.
Banking and Financial Institutions; Company Reports; Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010); Regulation and Deregulation of Industry;

The causal link is not clear to me. 
That the banks are profitable is reason enough for suspicion.
Business Day

The Small Picture: A Sense of Community

Every Firehouse Subs restaurant features a custom, hand-painted mural that pays tribute to local firefighters.
Fires and Firefighters; Photography; Small Business;

 A fit between the product and the culture.

Business Day

Mortgage Relief Checks Go Out, Only to Bounce

Some checks to troubled homeowners bounced after they were issued by the consulting company hired to distribute settlement payments.
Foreclosures; Mortgages; Real Estate and Housing (Residential); Regulation and Deregulation of Industry;

Just noise that should not happen.

Arrest Is Made Over Letters Believed to Carry Poison

Federal agents arrested a Mississippi man suspected of sending letters to President Obama and a Republican senator that showed evidence of ricin in initial testing, two officials said.
Ricin (Poison); Letters; Search and Seizure; Terrorism; Biological and Chemical Warfare;

We have a superabundance of nuts.

Real Estate

As Las Vegas Evolves, Boutique Hotels Gain

The convention business, which demands big-box hotels, has fallen off since the 2008 economic downturn, and smaller hotels have become a logical alternative.
Hotels and Travel Lodgings; Economic Conditions and Trends; Area Planning and Renewal; Travel and Vacations;

The culture of Las Vegas is alien to me.
Business Day

Cerberus Owner Might Buy Its Gun-Making Group

Stephen A. Feinberg, owner of Cerberus, is said to be considering buying a gun maker that the firm promised to sell in the wake of the slaying in Newtown, Conn.
Conflicts of Interest; Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures; Newtown, Conn, Shooting (2012);

This deal does not look right.  A very political decision to sell.
The possibility exists that the deal sets a floor under the selling price.
I think it more likely that there were no bidders.  The Feinberg offer allows the sale to take place and satisfy the political demands of the investors.
There may be a repurchase agreement in place.

Dr. King’s Righteous Fury

It is a mistake to view King as merely an ardent proponent of the American dream.
Civil Rights and Liberties; Discrimination; Race and Ethnicity; Blacks;

He had good reason.



Business Day

Cyberattacks a Huge Threat to Start-Ups, and Their Investors

The hacking of major banks and technology giants garner headlines, but it’s the tech-driven start-ups and growth companies that can stand to lose their entire business if they are victims of cyberattacks, the authors write.
Computer and Video Games; Computer Security; Computers and the Internet; Cyberattacks and Hackers; Intellectual Property; Start-ups; 

There is no presumption of privacy or security on the net.  
Each operation must look to its own protection.  

Business Day

In Congress, a Bill Seeks to Tie Municipal Borrowing Power to Public Pension Disclosure

The measure would bar cities and states from issuing tax-exempt bonds unless they properly tracked their obligations.
Local Government; Law and Legislation; Municipal Bonds; Pensions and Retirement Plans; Government Bonds; 

Such a law would prove a disaster.
Business Day

Social Security's Contribution to Your Income

This week’s Your Money column discusses a proposal included in President Obama’s budget that would slow the rate at which Social Security benefits increase over time.
Federal Budget (US); Inflation (Economics); Social Security (US); 

I suspect that Social Security needs no adjustment.
Business Day

F.A.A. Expected to Approve Fix to Dreamliner Batteries

The decision by the Federal Aviation Administration would allow the planes, grounded for more than three months, to return to service after the proposed repairs are made.
Airlines and Airplanes; Lithium (Metal); Batteries; Aviation Accidents and Safety; 

This saga is far from over.  We will see how events unfold.

A Toothless Law on Toxic Chemicals

It is time for Congress to reform a 1976 law so that it provides genuine protection against harmful chemicals in products like detergents and shampoos.
Chemicals; Law and Legislation; Hazardous and Toxic Substances; Regulation and Deregulation of Industry; 

Chemical use predates the 1976 law. 
It is very difficult to halt businesses while extensive testing takes place.

Honda and Nissan Recall Vehicles Over Shift Interlocks and Brake Problems

Honda reported a sticky brake-shift interlock, and Nissan a faulty brake caliper casting in recalls affecting more than 220,000 vehicles.
Automobile Safety Features and Defects; Automobiles; Brakes; Recalls and Bans of Products; 

Fix and forget.
Business Day

Ad About Women’s Self-Image Creates a Sensation

A video focusing on Dove’s findings that only 4 percent of women consider themselves beautiful has been viewed more than seven million times on YouTube.
Women and Girls; Online Advertising; Video Recordings and Downloads; Computers and the Internet; Emotions; 

Self image supports the cosmetics business, plastic surgeons and hair care.
"Get a good makeup and the part plays itself"


Auriemma Suit Dismissed

A judge in New York has dismissed an N.B.A. security official’s discrimination and assault lawsuit against Geno Auriemma, the University of Connecticut women’s basketball coach.
Basketball; Sexual Harassment; Decisions and Verdicts; Basketball (College); Assaults; Suits and Litigation (Civil); 

An example illustrating the need for skilled legal help.

Polish Museum Repairs a Tie to a Jewish Past

Among civic leaders in Warsaw, a new Jewish museum is seen as a major step toward recognizing Poland’s Jewish past and recovering from its 20th-century traumas.
Museums; Jews and Judaism; Holocaust and the Nazi Era; World War II (1939-45); 

A designed experience.  An ornate tomb?
N.Y. / Region

City Council’s Outreach Unit, Run by Quinn, Also Benefits Her Campaign

Christine C. Quinn, the Council speaker and a Democratic candidate for mayor, has firm control of a staff of 16, many of them her supporters.
Elections, Mayors; Government Employees; Public Relations and Publicity; Campaign Finance; Organized Labor; 

Climbing a career ladder is traditional.

What Would a Fighter Jet Buy 60 Years After Eisenhower's Speech?

In his famed 1953 Chance for Peace speech, President Dwight D. Eisenhower outlined what armaments cost in human terms. Applying his methodology toward today yields interesting results.
Defense and Military Forces; Education (K-12); Federal Budget (US); Gross Domestic Product; Hospitals; Prices (Fares, Fees and Rates); Speeches and Statements; United States Economy; Wheat; 

The money not spent on defense is not available for other costs.  
Defense is a special category.   
A trimmed cost there does not return much money to the general fund.

Business Day

Using Just One Word, Try to Describe Your Career DNA

George Hu, chief operating officer of, looked for challenges as a student, and hasn’t stopped since.
Hiring and Promotion; Careers and Professions; Executives and Management (Theory); 

I am not yet at "Leader".   I am still scouting.


HPV Vaccine Showing Successes in Australia

In Australia, unlike in America, a successful HPV vaccination campaign has resulted in a sharp decline in genital warts and precancerous lesions among young women and men.
Cervical Cancer; Human Papilloma Virus (HPV); Men and Boys; Vaccination and Immunization; Warts; Women and Girls; Youth; 

The faithful do not learn.
Business Day

Merkel Concedes on Quotas for Women

Chancellor Angela Merkel found herself forced to give in to a rebellious bloc in her party that insisted Germany’s leading companies increase the number of women on their boards.
Boards of Directors; Women and Girls; Women's Rights; Discrimination; 

If it is not known that this change does not matter now it will soon be known.


Criminalizing Children at School

Districts should think twice before deploying more cops in schools because it might hurt students more than it helps them.
School Discipline (Students); Education (K-12); Police; Children and Childhood; 

There was a cop in the hall when I went to kindergarten.
The school did not keep him there.  Gone the next year.


A Label Finds 99 Ways to Make Classical Profitable

The Swedish company X5 Music Group is the envy of the industry with its cheap, best-selling compilation packages.
Classical Music; E-Commerce; Audio Recordings and Downloads; 

The easy way to get the click is an animated icon.  
Possibly a version of an emoticon.

There should be catalog opportunities across the spectrum of consumer products.

N.Y. / Region

New York Is U.S. Cultural Leader, at Least in Making Yogurt

The state topped California in yogurt production last year, and at the same time, according to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, showed “our approach to growing the economy and creating an entrepreneurial government is paying off.”
Agriculture and Farming; Dairy Products; Yogurt; 

The Cornell Extension is paying off.
Industrial milk is big business.

Hospitals Profit From Surgical Errors, Study Finds

Since insurers pay more for patients with surgical complications, some hospitals could actually lose money by improving care, researchers said Tuesday.
Health Insurance and Managed Care; Hospitals; Surgery and Surgeons; 

The insurers are not getting a big enough premium from the hospital.
N.Y. / Region

A Decade Later, an Appreciation for the Daffodils

Metropolitan Diary: An appreciation of the million daffodils planted after Sept. 11, 2001.
Flowers and Plants; Parks and Other Recreation Areas; September 11 (2001);


          I WANDERED lonely as a cloud
          That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
          When all at once I saw a crowd,
          A host, of golden daffodils;
          Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
          Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

          Continuous as the stars that shine
          And twinkle on the milky way,
          They stretched in never-ending line
          Along the margin of a bay:                                  10
          Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
          Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

          The waves beside them danced; but they
          Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
          A poet could not but be gay,
          In such a jocund company:
          I gazed--and gazed--but little thought
          What wealth the show to me had brought:

          For oft, when on my couch I lie
          In vacant or in pensive mood,                               20
          They flash upon that inward eye
          Which is the bliss of solitude;
          And then my heart with pleasure fills,
          And dances with the daffodils.

Business Day

Celebrating Black Beauty and Advocating Diversity

A 30-minute documentary that aims to empower African-American women was backed by Procter & Gamble, but the filmmakers maintained creative freedom.
Beauty; Documentary Films and Programs; Skin; Tribeca Film Festival (NYC); Advertising and Marketing; 

We know a positive self image is of the essence.  
We also know that dark skin has been the marker of slavery.
I try to fight the cultural presumption in myself.  
I see it in others.

There is a business opportunity tuning color, shape and drape for African Americans.  
It is not a good fit for me.



Business Day

Social Security's Contribution to Your Income

Business Day

F.A.A. Expected to Approve Fix to Dreamliner Batteries

The decision by the Federal Aviation Administration would allow the planes, grounded for more than three months, to return to service after the proposed repairs are made.
Airlines and Airplanes; Lithium (Metal); Batteries; Aviation Accidents and Safety; 


A Toothless Law on Toxic Chemicals

Business Day

Ad About Women’s Self-Image Creates a Sensation


Auriemma Suit Dismissed


Polish Museum Repairs a Tie to a Jewish Past

N.Y. / Region

City Council’s Outreach Unit, Run by Quinn, Also Benefits Her Campaign

Business Day

Using Just One Word, Try to Describe Your Career DNA


HPV Vaccine Showing Successes in Australia

Business Day

Merkel Concedes on Quotas for Women


Criminalizing Children at School

N.Y. / Region

New York Is U.S. Cultural Leader, at Least in Making Yogurt


Hospitals Profit From Surgical Errors, Study Finds


Mississippi: Suspect in Ricin Case Feared Conspiracy

A Corinth man charged with mailing letters containing ricin to national leaders believed that he had uncovered a conspiracy to sell body parts on the black market, and he maintains that he is innocent, his lawyer said Thursday.
Ricin (Poison); Letters; 

N.Y. / Region

A Decade Later, an Appreciation for the Daffodils

Business Day

Celebrating Black Beauty and Advocating Diversity


Unveiling Immigration Measure, Senators Seek Distance From Effort on Guns

Advocates of the Senate’s new immigration proposal say it differs in many respects from the gun safety legislation defeated this week, despite surface similarities.
Immigration and Emigration; Law and Legislation; Citizenship and Naturalization; Hispanic-Americans; Illegal Immigrants; United States Politics and Government; 

It is going to be defeated.

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