Monday, April 29, 2013

@9:42, 4/29/13



Ready (or Not?) for a Great Coming Shale Boom

Texans are feeling bullish about a new era in the oil industry — and giving some thought to whether they are ready for the growth it could bring.
Shale; Hydraulic Fracturing; Natural Gas; 

How hot should it get?  How long can you tread water?
N.Y. / Region

Group Shows Covert Video of a Bronx Abortion Clinic

Live Action compared late-term abortion procedures in a Bronx center to those at the clinic of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia doctor charged with killing viable fetuses.
Abortion; Video Recordings and Downloads; Pregnancy and Childbirth; 

These videos are advocacy and should be treated as such.


Public Safety and the Mayor’s Race

A debate of six Democratic candidates running for mayor of New York City showed divisions on how much safety should be preserved and by whom.
Elections, Mayors; Search and Seizure; Editorials; 


When Your Data Wanders to Places You’ve Never Been

Consumers don’t often realize that details they share in a survey or sweepstakes may be passed to other companies.
Privacy; Data-Mining and Database Marketing; Advertising and Marketing; Computers and the Internet; 

The sales departments have no intention of letting us escape their attentions.
Draconian regulation is an effective ending.
Short of that one can reformat ones on line identity often.

For the Undecided, Some Resources to Help Make a College Choice

In anticipation of the May 1 deadline of making a college choice, we present some recent resources from The New York Times to help students decide where to enroll.
Admissions Standards; Colleges and Universities; Financial Aid (Education);

Time for the student to make a choice.
N.Y. / Region

Aide Details Offer to Repay Donors to Liu

Sharon Lee, an aide to John C. Liu, the New York City comptroller, testified that in 2011 she offered to reimburse contributions, but her lawyer said that ultimately she had not.
Campaign Finance; Elections, Comptrollers; 

Just politics as usual.

App Smart Extra: Dictionaries on the Go, Both Fancy and Simple

Looking up words on a mobile phone is easy, with a variety of apps that can help you with definitions, pronunciation, synonyms, even crossword puzzle questions.
Dictionaries; Mobile Applications; 

Not of much interest to me.

Disruptions: Brain Computer Interfaces Inch Closer to Mainstream

Soon, we could be turning on the lights at home just by thinking about it, or sending an e-mail from our smartphone without even pulling the device from our pocket.
Brain; Brain Activity Map Project; Computers and the Internet; Robots and Robotics; Smartphones; Wearable Computing;

This is a bug and not a feature.

The Dark Side of Energy Independence

The current energy revolution will be a boon to America’s economy, but it will in no way allow the United States to turn its back on the rest of the world.
Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline; Natural Gas; United States Economy; International Trade and World Market; 

Burning as little fossil carbon as possible is our only goal.
Anything else is darker.

The Problem With How We Treat Bipolar Disorder

The doctors could address my symptoms. But they didn’t much care about my vanishing sense of self.
Bipolar Disorder; Mental Health and Disorders; Depression (Mental); Psychology and Psychologists; Psychiatry and Psychiatrists; 

It has been "a long strange trip". 
Business Day

An Estate Plan for the Not-So-Wealthy

Bucks readers discuss their own experiences in dealing with estate planning.
Insurance; Pensions and Retirement Plans; Wills and Estates; 

I have done no estate planning as yet.

A Look Into the Future of Midtown

Varied perspectives on the architect Robert A. M. Stern’s Op-Ed article against more construction.
Architecture; Area Planning and Renewal; Grand Central Terminal (NYC); Transit Systems; Urban Areas; MetLife Building (Manhattan, NY); 

Go ahead and build the third avenue subway.

Ask Well: Do We Need to Stretch?


Pastas of Spring

Business Day

Twitter Speaks, Markets Listen, and Fears Rise

After a Twitter hoax caused the Dow to drop temporarily by 150 points, regulators are increasingly concerned about the combination of social media and high-frequency trading.
Stocks and Bonds; Cyberattacks and Hackers; Computer Security; Social Networking (Internet); United States Economy; 

High frequency trading kills day trading.
If we are going to speculate we must attempt to forecast longer moves.
Strategic rather than tactical acts.
Watching the statistics on high-frequency trading may be interesting.
That is most of the daily market report.  


My Happy Inflation Days

Inflation, interest rates, housing prices — whether high or low is good or bad has a lot to do with your stage in life.
Inflation (Economics); Baby Boomers; Real Estate and Housing (Residential); Savings; 

Tight money and easy money.  This is the business cycle.
Michael Winerip is a bit confused about the mechanism.
In times of tight money we want to be borrowers to take advantage of the low interest rates we can pay.  The banks would like to be borrowers also.
We cant get loans.  In times of easy money it is trivial to get a loan but the interest will eat the borrower.
His income inflated faster than his loan.
Depressions are hard on people.

Business Day

In Two-Way Charging, Electric Cars Begin to Earn Money From the Grid

An experiment with two-way chargers allows consumers to power their cars and also send power back to their electric company.
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles; Electric Light and Power; Colleges and Universities; 

Only a salesman could buy this story.
Power from an automotive system is about three times the cost of power from the grid.
The grid and the automobile have about the same fuel efficiency.
The grid uses the cheapest fuel available in a plant with long term financing at prime rate or better.   The automobile uses motor fuel with all the costs and taxes attached to it in a system financed with short term consumer debt.
Just a really bad idea.

Business Day

A Nasty, Epic Real Estate Battle With Stakes 102 Stories High

A venomous public battle over a $5.2 billion proposal by the Empire State Building’s managing family will face a crucial legal test beginning on Monday.
Empire State Building (Manhattan, NY); Real Estate (Commercial); Suits and Litigation (Civil); Real Estate Investment Trusts; Stocks and Bonds; 

"It does not smell good to me" Is the best I can say of the deal.
I can't guess how the court will decide.  
If I had an interest I would oppose the Malkin deal and switch quickly if the court decides in favor of it.

N.Y. / Region

Assemblyman Makes Plea Deal on Marijuana Possession


‘We Stand With You,’ Obama Tells Mourners at Texas Memorial

The president praised the courage of firefighters and others who responded after an explosion at a fertilizer plant last week.
Funerals and Memorials; Explosions; Fires and Firefighters; Deaths (Fatalities); Fertilizer; Factories and Manufacturing; 

Political log rolling.


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