Monday, April 8, 2013

@8:17, 4/7/13


Fashion & Style

A Life Plan for Two, Followed by One

What began as a crush evolved into that peculiar sort of adolescent friendship.
Love (Emotion); Emotions; Dating and Courtship; Friendship; 

I notice.

Scientists See Cruelty in Killing Method Used in Japan's Dolphin Roundup

A peer-reviewed analysis finds the killing method used on dolphins in a Japanese town is far from humane.
Animals; Aquariums; Cruelty to Animals; Documentary Films and Programs; Dolphins and Porpoises; Japan; Livestock; Oceans and Seas; Whales and Whaling; 

The fishermen think they are at war.


A Secret Deal on Drones, Sealed in Blood

The C.I.A.’s covert drone war in Pakistan began with the 2004 killing of a Pashtun militant, the result of a secret deal that was a turning point in the agency’s fight against terrorism.
Targeted Killings; Drones (Pilotless Planes); Espionage and Intelligence Services; United States Defense and Military Forces; Afghanistan War (2001- ); United States Politics and Government; 

Pakistan must deal with Islam or Islam will deal with Pakistan.
The Turks are relearning the problems.


Sunday Dialogue: Tackling Global Warming

Readers urge carbon taxes, lifestyle changes and a new term.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Global Warming; Energy Efficiency; Taxation; Law and Legislation; 

We do not need a tax on all carbon.  
We need a tax on fossil carbon.
All fossil carbon as it comes out of our ground or across our borders. 
Whether that carbon is fuel, refined metals, plastics, lumber, paper, chemicals or other forms matters to the tax only in the amount of fossil carbon contained in and combusted for the material.  The excise people may have to guess high and allow appeals. Fuel used for the appeal is also taxable.

Pity the Men on Top

The glamour of “Mad Men” hides the truth of the drudgery and pressure experienced by the working men who supported families in that era.
Working Hours; Families and Family Life; Men and Boys; Nineteen Hundred Sixties; 

Then and now
The people at the top work hard and long to stay there.
The people near the top work harder and longer.
It is choice though not free choice.

Sunday Review

Getting Serious About a Texas-Size Drought

In Texas, a state fabled for its everything-is-bigger mentality, the idea of conserving resources is beginning to take hold.
Water; Conservation of Resources; Drought; Global Warming; 

Texas is still talking about growth.  

Brazil Opens Inquiry Into Claims of Wrongdoing by Ex-President

The move by the Public Ministry is thought to be the first time that former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has been directly investigated in connection to the scheme.
Frauds and Swindling; Embezzlement; Voting and Voters; Executive Compensation; 

Not a coup as yet.

"April 7, 2013, 6:28 pm

Just Say Nao

Sorry about the silence — I spent yesterday being human (the High Line in NYC is all it’s cracked up to be!), and then had a hellishly busy day today. If I had more energy left I’d plunge into the next stage in the European crisis; the moving finger of instability has now reached Portugal, with the government, of course, proposing to cure matters with More Austerity. But it will have to hold until tomorrow."

The link is to the Financial Times.


Should You Tip an Immigration Officer?

A quandary at the Cambodian border.
Ethics (Personal); Ethicist, The (Times Column); Tips and Tipping; Travel and Vacations; Immigration and Emigration; 

I have no idea.
I think a tip when politely requested would be a good idea.
Hours of bag searches and strip searches avoided.

Suburban Disequilibrium


Breaking Free of the Cellphone Carrier Conspiracy

T-Mobile, the smallest of the Big Four cellphone carriers, steps away from the two-year, unbreakable contract that Sprint, Verizon and AT&T live by.
Wireless Communications; Cellular Telephones; Prices (Fares, Fees and Rates); 

I am not buying another cellphone without reason.
If I need a cell it will be a t-mobile android.

Georgia: Defendants in Cheating Scandal Released

The 35 Atlanta public school employees charged in a testing scandal have been released from jail and are awaiting their first appearance in court.
Cheating; Teachers and School Employees; Suits and Litigation; Education (K-12); Tests and Examinations; 

This seems a very small group.  The rest of Georgia may be just as rotten.

When the Supreme Court Rules on Social Issues

Two lawyers respond to an editorial about whether the time is right for a decision on same-sex marriage.
Abortion; Same-Sex Marriage, Civil Unions and Domestic Partnerships; Roe v Wade (Supreme Court Decision); Homosexuality; 

I would like a decision in favor of same-sex marriage. 
There is no reason to discriminate.

Business Day

For Cyprus, Gaslight at the End of Tunnel?

A potentially lucrative deepwater natural gas field could turn the debt-strapped island country into an energy exporter.
Natural Gas; Energy and Power; European Sovereign Debt Crisis (2010- ); 

It will be interesting.

Caregiving From Another Continent

Family members on other continents are struggling to provide care to relatives back home.
Elder Care; Elderly; Immigration and Emigration; 

That is demanding.
Business Day

Shifting Our Retirement Savings Into Automatic

To help Americans save more, retirement plans should make good choices easier. Automatic enrollment is a start.
Pensions and Retirement Plans; Savings; 401(k), 403(b) and 457 Plans; Individual Retirement Accounts; United States Economy; 

This assumes an income.  A better scheme would be to raise the Social Security benefit to provide a more comfortable income.
Business Day

Finding a Rate That’s Fairer Than Libor

A benchmark based on secured loans makes more sense than the London interbank offered rate.
Banking and Financial Institutions; Interest Rates; Libor (London Interbank Offered Rate); Regulation and Deregulation of Industry; United States Economy; 

No.  These rates are under the control of the federal reserve.

Wisconsin: Church Will Release Files on Abuse

The Archbishop of Milwaukee, Jerome E. Listeki, announced on Wednesday that he has authorized the release of thousands of pages of documents on sexual abuse by Catholic priests, including cases that date back 80 years.
Priests; Sex Crimes; Child Abuse and Neglect;

This is a big change.

2 Major Air Pollutants Increase in Beijing

N.Y. / Region

Three Decades of Baba Ghanouj

People are drawn to D’Vine Taste, a market in Park Slope, by Lebanese offerings like labneh and rose water, bulgur salad, za’atar-covered flatbread and hummus.
Cooking and Cookbooks; Bakeries and Baked Products; 

There are always new things to eat.  I learn.  Lead on.

Calamity for Our Most Beneficent Insect

Bee colonies have been dying in increasing numbers, and the latest suspect is a pesticide used to protect common agricultural seeds.
Bees; Insects; Agriculture and Farming; Environment; 

I miss bees.  They have become rare here.  Let us discover if these poisons are the cause.




A Secret Deal on Drones, Sealed in Blood

The C.I.A.’s covert drone war in Pakistan began with the 2004 killing of a Pashtun militant, the result of a secret deal that was a turning point in the agency’s fight against terrorism.
Targeted Killings; Drones (Pilotless Planes); Espionage and Intelligence Services; United States Defense and Military Forces; Afghanistan War (2001- ); United States Politics and Government;

Pity the Men on Top

Sunday Review

Getting Serious About a Texas-Size Drought


Should You Tip an Immigration Officer?


Breaking Free of the Cellphone Carrier Conspiracy


Georgia: Defendants in Cheating Scandal Released

Business Day

For Cyprus, Gaslight at the End of Tunnel?


Caregiving From Another Continent

Business Day

Shifting Our Retirement Savings Into Automatic

Business Day

Finding a Rate That’s Fairer Than Libor


Wisconsin: Church Will Release Files on Abuse


2 Major Air Pollutants Increase in Beijing


Calamity for Our Most Beneficent Insect

Business Day

Campaigns on Multiple Fronts Against Whale Hunting

Analysts say Australia has a difficult legal case to make but a U.N. court could side with Australia and order Japan to cease whaling.
Whales and Whaling; Endangered and Extinct Species; Suits and Litigation; 

I come down on the anti whaling side.  
Sea Shepard is in the wrong.
Japan is definitely in the wrong.

Piracy is an overblown description.


Obama Tells Donors of Tough Politics of Environment

President Obama laid bare the political dilemma he faced on environmental issues, including the fate of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline from Canada.
Keystone Pipeline System; United States Economy; United States Politics and Government; Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline; 

We know the politics are tough.  So are the problems.
Real Estate

Q & A

Dreaming of a Solarium; Reverse Mortgages for Co-ops; Rights for a New Wife.
Real Estate and Housing (Residential); Restoration and Renovation; Cooperatives; Mortgages; 

I wonder about a tent.  Is a deck part of the floor area?  A terrace?
A freestanding greenhouse? How about a picture window lighting existing floor area?  A glass Mansard roof?
Real Estate

Opting for In-House Loan Service

Buyers may see advantages to using a real estate agency’s in-house loan services, but they should not feel pressured to do so, and may even find a better deal elsewhere.
Mortgages; Real Estate and Housing (Residential); Real Estate Brokers; 

Think very hard.  Read the documents carefully.  Consult a lawyer you trust.
Fixed rates are usually the better deal. Pay cash if you can.



Should You Tip an Immigration Officer?


Breaking Free of the Cellphone Carrier Conspiracy


Georgia: Defendants in Cheating Scandal Released

Business Day

For Cyprus, Gaslight at the End of Tunnel?


Caregiving From Another Continent


Wars on Drugs

The military has been increasing prescriptions of psychoactive drugs for soldiers in combat at an alarming rate.
Drugs (Pharmaceuticals); Veterans; Afghanistan War (2001- ); Iraq War (2003-11); Depression (Mental); Mental Health and Disorders; Antidepressants;

It is possibly time for a congressional investigation.

I am aware that antidepressants have a very bad reputation in civilian practice.

Business Day

Shifting Our Retirement Savings Into Automatic

Business Day

Finding a Rate That’s Fairer Than Libor


Wisconsin: Church Will Release Files on Abuse


Calamity for Our Most Beneficent Insect

Business Day

Campaigns on Multiple Fronts Against Whale Hunting


Obama Tells Donors of Tough Politics of Environment

Real Estate

Q & A

Real Estate

Opting for In-House Loan Service


Tax Lobby Builds Ties to Chairman of Finance Panel

Many companies have retained lobbying firms that employ former aides to Max Baucus, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, which will have a crucial role in shaping any legislation.
Corporate Taxes; United States Politics and Government; Lobbying and Lobbyists; 

One can't blame them for trying.  Bribery is still criminal.

In Shift, Police Advise Taking an Active Role to Counter Mass Attacks

People at the scene of an attack are more likely to survive if they take an active stance, studies and police departments say, a shift from previous guidelines that advocated waiting for help.
Research; Murders and Attempted Murders; Self-Defense; Police; School Shootings; 

How is this a change?

N.Y. / Region

Breach Through Fire Island Also Divides Opinions

A 856-foot-wide channel formed by Hurricane Sandy in a New York barrier island has helped flush out the bay beyond, but residents blame it for increased flooding.
Hurricane Sandy (2012); Floods; Water Pollution; 

Always a debate.  
I think they should leave it open but I am not involved.


How to Get Rich From the Eastward Tilt

The next Steve Jobs may well be living in a place like Pakistan, Turkey or Nigeria, thanks to a surge in entrepreneurship that is a response to the peril and promise of a globalized economy.
Entrepreneurship; Third World and Developing Countries; 

We have no monopoly on thought.  This sounds like business as usual.


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