Monday, November 7, 2016

@18:41, 11/7/16


  1. Op-Ed Contributor

    Bundy Verdict Puts a Target on the Backs of Federal Workers 

    Dramatic words.  
    The Bundy verdict has sent the wrong message to Bundy sympathizers.

  2. New York Area Has the Nation’s 3 Worst Airports, Study Says 

    "According to a study by The Points Guy, a travel publication, those customers have the right to complain."  
     The New York Airports were designed and located in the thirties and forties.  These are some of the oldest active runways in the U.S.   Like the passenger rail services they are amazing survivals.

  3. Bridge Case Verdict May Hinge on Officials Who Weren’t Tried

    All three are convicted.  Governor Cristie escaped indictment.

  4. Drones, So Useful in War, May Be Too Costly for Border Duty

    Crop dusters or other light aircraft would do the job.
    The job may be unnecessary.

  5. When It Comes to Success, Age Really Is Just a Number 

    Age is a number associated with the distracting noise in a life.
  6. Dot Earth

    Can Networked Knowledge Help Communities Thrive on a Turbulent Planet? 

    Do not confuse science with engineering.

    Science is concerned with all the relationships of the universe.
    Engineering is concerned with accomplishing tasks.
    Find an interested engineer to solve the problems of the developing nations.


  7. Florence Journal

    50 Years After a Devastating Flood, Fears That Florence Remains Vulnerable 

    A solution would be to bypass Florence with a tunnel under the river bed.
    A valve at the head end would regulate the flow through the tunnel and maintain
    a river level below flood stage. Invisible flood protection.

  8. Why the Lone EpiPen Competitor Hasn’t Taken Off 

    Ignore the vapor ware and manufacture the autoinjector as cheaply as possible.
    Charge twenty dollars less than EpiPen.
    The goal is making money.

  9. A Day of Finishes Both Dramatic and Determined 


  10. Fiction

    A Town’s Secret Propels ‘The Mothers,’ a Lauded Debut Novel 

    I will read the book if it is infront of me.
    I will not seek it out soon.

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