Wednesday, June 11, 2014

@23:50, 6/9/14



Careening Into a Bottomless Vortex

“The Village Bike,” Penelope Skinner’s play at the Lucille Lortel Theater, centers on a lonely pregnant woman whose growing obsession with sex takes her and other characters to dark places.

Maybe once upon a time but I got over it.


Wheelies: The Average Age Edition

IHS Automotive reports that the average age of autos in the United States is still 11.4 years; Bill Hoglund, a former G.M. executive, dies at 79.
Automobiles; Electric and Hybrid Vehicles; Museums; Organized Labor 

" In other Tesla news, Mr. Musk also indicated at the shareholders’ meeting that Tesla might open up its patents to speed up adoption of electric cars. Although Tesla shares have increased by more than 112 percent over the last year, electric vehicles still haven’t caught on in a big way. (BBC)"

The Upshot

Alabama and Mississippi Voted Last Week. No Official Results Yet.

Two Southern states haven’t posted official primary vote totals yet, because the elections are run by the parties, not the state.
United States Politics and Government; Elections, Senate

Splits in the Republican ranks are reasons for joy.


Trial of South Korean Ferry Crew Begins

Maritime Accidents and Safety; Ferries 

The operator and designer are at fault.

Video: The Group That’s Building a Caliphate

Background on the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the Islamist group that appears to be in control of the second-largest city in Iraq.
Iraq War (2003-11); International Relations; Shariah (Islamic Law) 

More trouble.  I suspect it is Suni.  The Turks won't like them.
Iran won't like them.  Saudi is paying them.  Syria won't like them.
Lebanon can't stand against them. 
Israel may get peace with their neighbors.

A Fight as U.S. Girls Face Genital Cutting Abroad

Female genital cutting has been banned in the United States since 1996, and now it is also illegal to transport girls for “vacation cutting.” But some are concerned that such cutting is on the rise.
Women and Girls; Female Genital Mutilation; Circumcision; Marriages; Parenting 

"“The thing was,” the counselor continued, “if they don’t say that they want the help, we can’t do anything.”"

Misogyny rampant.

Plan B Eased Clippers Deal: Sterling’s Diagnosis

Rochelle Sterling and her lawyer used a clause in the Clippers trust documents to cut her husband, Donald, out of the deal after doctors found him to be affected by cognitive impairment.
Basketball; Brain; Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures 

Pity would be the best fate.

Microsoft Protests Order for Email Stored Abroad

The objection is believed to be the first time a corporation has challenged a domestic search warrant seeking digital information overseas and has attracted the concern of privacy groups.
Search and Seizure; Computers and the Internet; Surveillance of Citizens by Government; E-Mail; Privacy; United States International Relations; Electronic Communications Privacy Act 

Microsoft wins.
Business Day

Netflix Investors to Vote on C.E.O.-Chairman Split

Shareholders of the media company are to vote Monday on whether to divide the roles of chief executive and chairman now held by Reed Hastings.
Stocks and Bonds; Boards of Directors; Media 

The stock may take a tumble and be worth buying.
N.Y. / Region

Emergency Housing Unit Is Unveiled in Brooklyn

citingIn an attempt to improve its disaster assistance services, the City of New York unveiled a prototype for temporary living structures. The units will be studied by the city’s Office of Emergency Management for the next year.
Mobile Homes and Trailers; Disasters and Emergencies; Hurricane Sandy (2012); Real Estate and Housing (Residential) 

If they can get the cost down it is not a bad way to go.
It would be better to move the population.

Pot Rules

As it moves past the old "Reefer Madness" caricature, the reefer crowd in Colorado gets mad at the prospect of almost any regulations.
Regulation and Deregulation of Industry; Marijuana; Labeling and Labels 

I do not use pot.


Ireland Investigating Complaints Against Unwed Mother Homes

The decision to mount an inquiry followed the suggestion that for decades, the remains of 796 children may have been secretly buried at a home.
Children and Childhood; Nuns 

Ireland must investigate and
 convince the world of the answers they find.

Seeing Obstacle-Filled Path to Mars

A review of the human spaceflight program found no viable strategy and too little funding to get astronauts on Mars by the 2030s as President Obama pledged they would.
Mars (Planet) 

Most of the obstacles are congressional Republicans.
N.Y. / Region

The Circus That Doesn’t Leave Town

Circus acts have infused almost every kind of entertainment option in the city, and demand for circus-related services is surging.
Circuses; Acrobats and Acrobatics; Theater; Bars and Nightclubs; Juggling and Jugglers 

Everything old is new again.

What Causes Weight Gain

Real food is more likely to promote health than hyperprocessed food.
Obesity; Diet and Nutrition; Food; Sugar 

Get the science.   Then get Fructose.
N.Y. / Region

Tribal Elder of the Fields

Jimmy Peters, 55, has been largely homeless since 1995, he said, and for the past four years has slept mostly in Central Park.
Homeless Persons 

He is doing well.
Twenty years of improvisation.

Illinois: Governor Signs Plan for Chicago Pensions

Gov. Pat Quinn signed legislation on Monday to help Chicago reduce a pension shortfall but urged Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the City Council not to raise property taxes for additional revenues.
Pensions and Retirement Plans; Law and Legislation; Property Taxes; Government Employees 

DINO  (Democrat in name only)
N.Y. / Region

L.I.R.R. Popularity Led to Crush After the Belmont

Far more fans took the train to the Belmont than railroad officials had predicted, prompting the railroad to summon extra service for the crush at the typically little-used station.
Triple Crown (Horse Racing); Roads and Traffic; Transit Systems; Transportation 

It is still the L.I.R.R.   Management is not flexible.
Temporary platform extensions are a good possibility.


Democrats See Winning Issue in Carbon Plan

Several Democrats in competitive Senate races have supported an E.P.A. proposal to curb power-plant emissions, citing growing public support for action and perceptions that Republicans are anti-science.citing
Coal; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; United States Politics and Government; Regulation and Deregulation of Industry; Carbon Dioxide; Global Warming 

Anything that works.
Business Day

Treasury Auctions Set for the Week of June 9

The following tax-exempt fixed-income issues are scheduled for pricing this week.
Stocks and Bonds; Credit and Debt; Municipal Bonds; Government Bonds 

Still zero.

"At the close of the New York cash market on Friday, the rate on the outstanding three-month bill was 0.03 percent. The rate on the six-month issue was 0.06 percent, and the rate on the four-week issue was 0.02 percent."

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