Monday, June 30, 2014

@2:20, 6/29/14




Arsonists and Firefighters

Some argue that it is not inevitable that the Middle East erupt in sectarian conflagration.
Terrorism; Sunni Muslims; Shiite Muslims; Kurds; Israeli Settlements; Palestinians 

The U.S. is interested.
The U.S. has no right to rule.
It is their nation and their decision.
Politics must be local.

Creeping Up on Unsuspecting Shores: The Great Lakes, in a Welcome Turnaround

Scientists attribute the resurgence of water levels to an unusually cold winter that limited evaporation as well as heavy precipitation in the winter and spring.
Rain; Ferries; Seasons and Months; Boats and Boating 

Science tells us this is temporary relief.
The climate system is noisy. The last year is an example.

North Korea Fires 2 Missiles in Defiance of U.N. Ban

The launching off the east coast came four days before the Chinese president was due to make his first visit to the peninsula, in Seoul, South Korea.
Missiles and Missile Defense Systems 

The missile test is an excuse to note that the diplomatic situation is changing.  
I have not gathered the reason for the changes.
China Finds itself under pressure and may be balancing its commitments.

Obama to Seek Funds to Stem Border Crossings and Speed Deportations

President Obama will seek $2 billion for border enforcement to cope with the influx of illegal Central American migrants, including unprecedented numbers of unaccompanied minors.
Illegal Immigration; United States Politics and Government; Demonstrations, Protests and Riots; Children and Childhood 

This is the desired action.
We will see the effect of the appropriation.
It will reduce the pressure for quick action.
President Obama has involved himself in the diplomatic
effort to stem the migration of refugees from central America.
Diplomacy is not satisfying to top down managers.

G.M.’s Rival Could Teach It a Lesson

Accountability and teamwork were crucial to Ford’s turnaround.

The question of culture change is posed.
It is not answered.

‘Jane’ Didn’t Get the Help She Needed

“Jane Doe” has a life story at the age of only 16 that is a good example of how the juvenile justice system is failing many of those most in need.
Children and Childhood; Child Abuse and Neglect; Prisons and Prisoners; Juvenile Delinquency; Transgender and Transsexuals; Sex Crimes 

Juvenile Justice exists for adult society.
Doing justice for the child rather than to the child is a novel thought.  A thought worth pursuing.

Like language, gender and race, sexual orientation cannot be criminal.   Culture or the lack of it can be criminal.
The  balance between the actions of individuals and the interests of societies are law and education. 
The expression of this balance is government.
We separate religious faith from government because the balance is dynamic and religious faith attempts to be static.


The Eggs and Us

We need to talk about the personhood movement, people. Persons. Persons who need persons ...
Birth Control and Family Planning; Plan B (Contraceptive); Abortion; Elections, Senate; Midterm Elections (2014) 

Gail Collins commits humor.
The issue is serious to our shame.

Is Obesity O.K.?

Readers discuss an advice columnist’s assertion that pretending that obesity is not a problem may prevent hurt feelings but compromise health.
Obesity; Weight; Women and Girls; Diet and Nutrition 

Obesity is not O.K. 
I have become much more knowledgeable about the shapes of humanity.
Happy, healthy and active is wonderful.
Anorexic is just as bad as obese.
Sugar, sucrose and fructose specifically, possibly ethanol, cause obesity. 


Family Kills Pakistani Couple After They Married for Love

The couple, a 17-year-old girl and a 31-year-old man, who were married on June 18 in Pakistan without the consent of their families, were killed by the girl’s family.
Murders and Attempted Murders; Marriages; Honor Killings 

It is their country and their law.  
I note it and disapprove of it.
I will not live with it so I will not live there.

Father of Man Who Killed 6 Says Son Hid Mental Illness

Peter Rodger, whose son, Elliot, killed six people near the University of California, Santa Barbara, said he wants to help others recognize warning signs.
Isla Vista, Calif, Massacre (2014); Mental Health and Disorders; Murders and Attempted Murders 

I was not there and have not studied their lives.

If Franz Ferdinand Had Lived

The assassination of the Hapsburg empire’s would-be reformer opened a Pandora’s box of nationalist agitation that still roils Europe.
World War I (1914-18); Assassinations and Attempted Assassinations; World War II (1939-45) 

The multiple catastrophic diplomatic failures that followed the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austro-Hungary 
are the start of the Great War.
I could try to apportion blame but can see no point to the exercise.
The war should not have happened but once well initiated could not be stopped.
Let us note the modes of failure and not repeat the experience.
We will have "the fire next time".
Business Day

The C.E.O. Is My Friend. So Back Off.

A study’s surprising finding: If company directors have disclosed that they’re friends with the chief executive, they’re even more likely to try to give him a bonus.
Executive Compensation; Boards of Directors; Bonuses; Research; Friendship 

Gretchen Morgenson found the problem.
The board works for the stockholders.
The C.E.O. works for the board.
If compensation is excessive or corporate governance is otherwise unsatisfactory the stockholders should make changes.
The easiest change to make is to sell the stock.

Tensions Continue to Simmer as Attacks in Gaza Escalate

Two Palestinian men suspected of being militants were killed in an Israeli missile strike in Gaza on Friday, according to the military and witnesses.

The low-grade war continues.
Israel should admit its conquest and govern Gaza, the West Bank of the Jordan and the Golan.
Business Day

In Home Loans, Subprime Fades as a Dirty Word

Facing a tight credit market, homebuyers are turning to a safer version of subprime mortgages, a culprit of the 2008 housing crash.
Real Estate and Housing (Residential); Subprime Mortgage Crisis; Banking and Financial Institutions; Credit and Debt; Regulation and Deregulation of Industry 

Let us build within our means. 

Here Comes the Judge, in Cuffs

Three judges in Broward County, Fla., have been arrested recently on D.U.I. charges, leading lawyers to wonder: strange coincidence or sign of a larger problem?
Ethics and Official Misconduct; Courts and the Judiciary; Drug Abuse and Traffic; Drunken and Reckless Driving 

There are many legal scholars in Broward County.
Move these doubtful characters out and replace them.  Do it again if necessary.  Flawed lawyers can find work.  We do not need them as judges.

As O’Bannon Trial Ends, N.C.A.A. Portrays Itself as Benevolent Cartel

Judge Claudia Wilken, who will rule in the antitrust case, will decide if the supposed pro-competitive benefits in the college association justify its restraint of trade.
College Athletics; Suits and Litigation (Civil)

 I will wait for a result.

The Battle Over Vaccinating Grandparents

Before the birth of my first baby, I asked my parents and my in-laws to get the T.D.A.P. vaccine. My mother and in-laws agreed. My father refused.
Babies and Infants; Grandparents; Vaccination and Immunization; Whooping Cough

I trust vaccination.
Business Day

West Courts India in Hopes of Arms Deals

Senior politicians from France, the United States and Britain are expected to arrive in New Delhi in quick succession to discuss military deals.
Defense and Military Forces; Foreign Investments


Taliban Mount Major Assault in Afghanistan

The group has attacked police outposts and government facilities in several districts of northern Helmand Province, sending the police and military officials scrambling to shore up defenses.
Afghanistan War (2001- ); Terrorism

We can't leave on oour terms.
Business Day

Stung by Supreme Court, Aereo Suspends Service

The start-up, which provides streaming over-the-air television, said it was not shutting down, only pausing to map out its next moves.
Television; Computers and the Internet; Start-ups

There is competition.



Past Road’s End, Democrats Dig for Native Votes

Democrats consider remote tribal villages so vital to their majority in the Senate that they are building an outreach operation across rural Alaska and on reservations in other states.
Midterm Elections (2014); Elections, Senate; Voting and Voters; Native Americans 

As they should.
Organized citizens are more easily heard.

Arsonists and Firefighters


North Korea Fires 2 Missiles in Defiance of U.N. Ban


G.M.’s Rival Could Teach It a Lesson


‘Jane’ Didn’t Get the Help She Needed


If Franz Ferdinand Had Lived


Is Obesity O.K.?

Be healthy and happy.

Sunday Review

Britain’s Strange Identity Crisis

The vote on Scotland’s referendum to stay in or leave the United Kingdom will bring major change, either way.

Assert the rule of law.


Family Kills Pakistani Couple After They Married for Love

The couple, a 17-year-old girl and a 31-year-old man, who were married on June 18 in Pakistan without the consent of their families, were killed by the girl’s family.
Murders and Attempted Murders; Marriages; Honor Killings

Their country.
Their law.
My disapproval is meaningless.

Father of Man Who Killed 6 Says Son Hid Mental Illness

Business Day

The C.E.O. Is My Friend. So Back Off.


The Eggs and Us


Tensions Continue to Simmer as Attacks in Gaza Escalate

Business Day

In Home Loans, Subprime Fades as a Dirty Word


Here Comes the Judge, in Cuffs


Taliban Mount Major Assault in Afghanistan

Business Day

Stung by Supreme Court, Aereo Suspends Service


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