Saturday, June 14, 2014

@2:17, 6/13/14



Louisiana: Governor Signs New Abortion Restrictions

Gov. Bobby Jindal on Thursday signed into law new restrictions against abortion, saying they will protect women and the unborn.
Abortion; Women and Girls 

Business Day

Netflix Investors to Vote on C.E.O.-Chairman Split

Shareholders of the media company are to vote Monday on whether to divide the roles of chief executive and chairman now held by Reed Hastings.
Stocks and Bonds; Boards of Directors; Media 

Its a split.
Business Day

U.S. Allocates $31.5 Million to Aid Florida Citrus Industry

The program is meant to combat a plant disease that threatens Florida’s $9 billion citrus industry and has driven up the cost of orange juice.
Agriculture and Farming; Citrus Fruits 

Florida is in trouble.

Teenage Endurance Driver Takes Exams While Preparing for Le Mans

For Alessandro Latif, the choice between taking his college exams and competing in his first Le Mans 24-Hour race was impossible. So he’s doing both.
Le Mans Auto Race; Automobiles 

N.Y. / Region

Westchester Adopts a New Plan to Save Rye Playland

The new direction for the money-losing amusement park scraps a blueprint for a revenue-producing field house and focuses instead on upgrading its ice rink.
Area Planning and Renewal; Ice Skating; Parks and Other Recreation Areas; Amusement and Theme Parks 

Get the rail link working and advertise it.

The Use of Child Soldiers

A history teacher laments the return of warfare in South Sudan and the young fighters taking part.
Child Soldiers 

The tribal leadership will not give them up.

With Data and Resolve, Tacoma Fights Pollution

Tacoma, Wash., is using science, persistence and enforcement to take on rain-borne pollution, which has been a largely ignored environmental problem.
Water Pollution; Hazardous and Toxic Substances; Clean Water Act; Science and Technology; Drugs (Pharmaceuticals); PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) 


After Primary Upset, G.O.P. Fears Infighting Will Take a Toll

Eric Cantor’s loss could embolden hard-line Republicans, but there is also fear that internecine feuding could stymie policy-making and imperil G.O.P. presidential prospects in 2016.
Tea Party Movement; Primaries and Caucuses; Immigration and Emigration; Elections, Senate; Elections, House of Representatives; Presidential Election of 2016 


Campaign-Finance Challenge in Alaska Senate Race

Spending in Alaska by so-called super PACs and other outside groups is expected to exceed that of all other states this election season.
Citizens United v Federal Election Commission (Supreme Court Decision); Elections, Senate; Political Action Committees; Political Advertising 

We will have to wait.
Business Day

Three Confirmations to Fed Board May Strengthen Yellen’s Hand

The Senate confirmed two new appointees to the Federal Reserve Board, moves expected to bolster the position of Janet Yellen on key policy decisions.
Appointments and Executive Changes 

This is not very meaningful.
The Federal Reserve is a central bank
Money continues at the zero bound.
The economic problem is elsewhere.
Fashion & Style

Hillary Rodham Clinton and the Power of Style

Mrs. Clinton is an example of a woman who has presumably had to think through how her image affects perception and relationships in traditionally all-male environments.
Women and Girls; Fashion and Apparel; United States Politics and Government; Workplace Environment 

Sex linked clothing is a true expression of a double standard.
We should celebrate it while it lasts.
The tradition and the skills are fading as equality becomes more dominant.
Fashion & Style

We Didn’t Have a Plan, but the Baby Did

Becoming a father took me on an unpredictable and sometimes embarrassing journey.
Babies and Infants; Pregnancy and Childbirth; Marriages; Modern Love (Times Column) 


A Long-Ago Ancestor: A Little Fish, With Jaws to Come

Metaspriggina is two inches long and 505 million years old, and scientists recently uncovered an extraordinary cache of its fossils.
Paleontology; Fossils; Anatomy and Physiology 

A link no longer missing.

Processing Power, Delivered by the Truckload

Demand for server racks is growing, but only a few handlers in the United States specialize in transporting high-value computer equipment and the associated supply chain security and coordination.
Cloud Computing; Data Centers; Data Storage; Freight (Cargo); Ships and Shipping

Think of the postal system.
The individual server is a sorting clerk.
The server rack is a postoffice.
The server farm is a central postoffice.
The actual server is software.  It runs on dedicated hardware.
The article is about moving the hardware from manufacturer to customers.
The customers are business people with limited understanding of the process and product that is their operation.

Indian Point's Tritium Problem and the N.R.C.'s Regulatory Problem

A spike in levels of tritium in groundwater near the Indian Point nuclear power plant raises questions about regulatory oversight.
Electric Light and Power; Environment; Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant (NY); Infrastructure (Public Works); Nuclear Energy; Radiation; Regulation and Deregulation of Industry

The level detected is not a danger to health.
The detecting wells are upstream of unit 3.
There was a spill upstream of the wells years ago.
The concentration detected is falling.

No action is indicated at this time.
Monitoring will continue.

There is no need to panic.

Five Dead in Shooting Rampage in Las Vegas

Two suspects killed two police officers on Sunday at a restaurant and fatally shot a third person at a nearby Walmart before dying in a suicide pact, the authorities said.
Murders and Attempted Murders; Suicides and Suicide Attempts; Attacks on Police

The crazies on talk radio are too effective.
Millennial preachers have centuries of practice.
I have no patch for the affected. 
They announce themselves with self destruction.

All Justice Is Local

Small communities in Rwanda and Uganda are revolutionizing postconflict justice.
War Crimes, Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

The dead cannot forgive or ask for forgiveness.
The past does injury to the present
All possible justice is local in time and space.
Let us speak together.
Sooner is better.  As soon as you can is best.

N.Y. / Region

Next-Best Thing to Living Next Door to Your Idol

For some, buying a burial space near the final resting place of a person they admire is a different kind of hero worship, and puts a new twist on the real estate cliché “location, location, location.”
Cemeteries; Music; Celebrities

I would live with my love.
The dead can't do that.
N.Y. / Region

Lenders Enlisted in Effort to Preserve Stuyvesant Town for the Middle Class

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac agreed to resist any speculative deal that would turn the complex into a luxury enclave, Senator Charles E. Schumer said.
Stuyvesant Town (NYC); Peter Cooper Village (NYC); Affordable Housing; Real Estate and Housing (Residential); Renting and Leasing (Real Estate)

The battle for a living city on Manhattan is lost.
What there is are Financial houses and bedrooms.  The schools are endowed survivors of another age.

Business Day

Politics Replaces Economics as Europe's Nemesis

Widespread anti-European-Union protest votes in elections for the European Parliament will make it harder for many governments to pursue reforms.
European Sovereign Debt Crisis (2010- ); Elections

Paul Taylor has been drinking the coolaid.
Germany continues to pursue deflation for others.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 


N.Y. / Region

Comcast Seeks to Replace G.E.’s Initials at 30 Rock

NBCUniversal’s new owner has asked New York City’s Landmarks Preservation Commission to let it replace the neon sign atop the 70-story Manhattan tower.
Historic Buildings and Sites; Cable Television

Fighting over the loot is not good practice.
I would let it be the RCA building.
Business Day

U.S. Allocates $31.5 Million to Aid Florida Citrus Industry

The program is meant to combat a plant disease that threatens Florida’s $9 billion citrus industry and has driven up the cost of orange juice.
Agriculture and Farming; Citrus Fruits

Florida is in trouble several ways.  Let Marco Rubio save them.

Teenage Endurance Driver Takes Exams While Preparing for Le Mans

I wish him well.

Business Day
The Amaya Gaming Group will acquire the Oldford Group for $4.9 billion and pave the way for the brands Full Tilt Poker and PokerStars to re-enter the United States market.
Computers and the Internet; Gambling; Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures

I live with plenty of risk.
I do not want to buy more.
The asymetries of wealth are such that corruption is inevitable.

Businessman Guilty of Killing and Eating Tigers

The trial took place two months after the Chinese government issued a new interpretation of an existing ban on trade in endangered species that said that eating a tiger or other protected animal would be punishable by prison.
Endangered and Extinct Species; Poaching (Wildlife); Tigers

Changing parts of a culture is a near impossible task.
I applaud this attempt.

Business Day

Netflix Investors to Vote on C.E.O.-Chairman Split

Shareholders of the media company are to vote Monday on whether to divide the roles of chief executive and chairman now held by Reed Hastings.
Stocks and Bonds; Boards of Directors; Media

The market seems to like the change
 From a bottom of $55 in 10/12 to $422 now,
It looks expensive.
Owning such a rise gives an upset stomach.
Often such stocks split and continue up. Often they crash.
One could sell half.
I don't know and can't guess.
There are other streaming services.  They do not have the content.

After Primary Upset, G.O.P. Fears Infighting Will Take a Toll

Eric Cantor’s loss could embolden hard-line Republicans, but there is also fear that internecine feuding could stymie policy-making and imperil G.O.P. presidential prospects in 2016.
Tea Party Movement; Primaries and Caucuses; Immigration and Emigration; Elections, Senate; Elections, House of Representatives; Presidential Election of 2016

It is more than a fear.
Business Day

Three Confirmations to Fed Board May Strengthen Yellen’s Hand

The Senate confirmed two new appointees to the Federal Reserve Board, moves expected to bolster the position of Janet Yellen on key policy decisions.
Appointments and Executive Changes

The Federal Reserve bank has done what it can without getting a desired  result.

Fashion & Style

Hillary Rodham Clinton and the Power of Style

Fashion & Style

We Didn’t Have a Plan, but the Baby Did


A Long-Ago Ancestor: A Little Fish, With Jaws to Come


Processing Power, Delivered by the Truckload


Indian Point's Tritium Problem and the N.R.C.'s Regulatory Problem


Five Dead in Shooting Rampage in Las Vegas

N.Y. / Region

Next-Best Thing to Living Next Door to Your Idol

N.Y. / Region

Lenders Enlisted in Effort to Preserve Stuyvesant Town for the Middle Class

Business Day

Politics Replaces Economics as Europe's Nemesis

Political Economy.

Officials to Investigate Reports of Mistreatment of Minors Caught Crossing Border

A complaint was based on interviews with 116 youths, in which they reported being deprived of food and medical care while in Border Patrol holding cells.
Illegal Immigration; Children and Childhood; Deportation; United States Politics and Government

"Border authorities are dealing with a humanitarian crisis as over 47,000 young migrants without their parents, mainly from Central America, have been apprehended since October crossing illegally. President Obama has ordered the Federal Emergency Management Agency to coordinate an effort to provide shelters and help the youths reunite with family in this country."

174 a day does not sound so impossible.
It is bad enough.
The weather will be deadly. 
If we stopped the flow the pile of bodies would be worse.
We must solve the problem at their homes.
These are children committed to our care.


Face of the N.C.A.A., Battered Early and Often

Mark Emmert, the president of the N.C.A.A., is an unapologetic target of detractors as his organization faces legal challenges to its amateurism model.
College Athletics

College football is not an amateur effort.
The amateur model is extinct there.

All Justice Is Local

Small communities in Rwanda and Uganda are revolutionizing postconflict justice.
War Crimes, Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

Local in both space and time.


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