Saturday, January 6, 2018

@14:10, 1/5/17



Trump’s Disdain for Science

Much of what the federal government does has scientific and technological underpinnings. Yet the president has still not appointed a science adviser.


New Pot Policy by Trump Administration Draws Bipartisan Fire

Lawmakers from both parties see it as a state decision and vow to force the attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to back down.

The Republican senatorial whip is powerful. 


The State Where Everyone Wants to Be Governor

For the key to our political destiny in 2018, look to Colorado.

Business has gone to pot.


How Would Jesus Drive?

Driving says a lot about society, and ourselves.

"Do as you would be done by"
"Cut them some slack"


Video: New York to Blizzard 2018: ‘Bring It’

Here’s what New York City looked liked on Instagram as a powerful storm brought bitter cold and strong winds to the region.

It is good to be out in if warm and dry is the alternative.
Children like a snow day.


Israel Offers African Migrants a Choice: Ticket Out or Jail

About a third of the 60,000 Africans who crossed into Israel surreptitiously since 2005 have left. Israel now aims to push out the rest.

The cash takes some of the sting out of the racism.

Business Day

Michael Wolff, From Local Media Scourge to National Newsmaker

A journalist who loved to needle the Manhattan elite enrages the president with his insider account of the year he spent reporting from the West Wing.

"“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are in conflict with one another; many, in Trumpian fashion, are baldly untrue,” Mr. Wolff writes. “Those conflicts, and that looseness with the truth, if not with reality itself, are an elemental thread of this book.”
Graydon Carter, Mr. Wolff’s former editor at Vanity Fair, wrote in an email that he was not surprised Mr. Wolff “would write an entertaining book.”
“The mystery,” Mr. Carter added, “is why the White House allowed him in the door.”"

Michael Wolff has told a truth.
He is entertaining the public with the public's foolishness.

There is no love in that.



Torbjorn Rodland’s Puzzling Photos Are Unsettling and Arousing

The Norwegian photographer is having a moment, with major European shows. His pictures capture changes in photography in the internet era.

Fiat art.
Yes.   The images are unsettling.

They appear studied.   I am doubtful.


The Bogus Voter-Fraud Commission Is Dead, but the Myths Aren’t

Celebrate the demise of the transparent sham, but don’t be fooled into thinking the conspiracists are going away.

The legend of voter fraud should fade away.


Minus 100 Degrees. That’s How Cold It Could Feel Atop One Mountain

Frigid air is gripping the East Coast, and furious winds are expected to make it feel as cold as 100 degrees below zero in one spot in New Hampshire.

A few more days of real cold.


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