Tuesday, February 21, 2017

@14:30, 2/20/17


  1. Op-Ed Contributor

    Dysfunction and D eadlock at the Federal Election Commission 

     The Republicans are destroying representative democracy.

  2. Wordplay


    I should like cross word puzzles.
    As it happens I do not.  
    Spelling is not automatic so letter counts are uncertain.

  3. Op-Ed | Jennifer Weiner

    Want Melania Trump in the White House? Pay Her 

    I suspect Donald pays her. 

  4. Mediator

    In Trump’s Volleys, Echoes of Alex Jones’s Conspiracy Theories 

    Mistaking fiction for fact leads to disasters.

  5. When Retirement Comes With a Daily Dose of Cannabis 

    Again, do what works
    The marijuana laws are an example of racism.

  6. Q&A

    Getting the Most From Vitamins and Mineral Supplements 

    Most of the effect is placebo.
    Avoid very large dosages. 


    The Worst That Could Happen? Going Blind, People Say 

    I am not in trouble.  
    Stay out of trouble.

  8. The Upshot

    To Fund Health Plan, G.O.P. Considers Limiting Popular Tax Break 

    "But none of the possible benefits of the policy change are likely to make it popular. The Affordable Care Act generally provides benefits for a small fraction of the American population, as would a Republican replacement plan. The number that benefit from the employer system is much, much larger." 

    I doubt it.

  9. Letters

    Repeal the Health Law? 

    The viable alternative is single payer. 

  10. Syria Bombing Kills 4 Russians 

    Some of the troops in a battle zone will be killed.


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