Thursday, January 12, 2017

@21:00, 1/11/17



What You Need to Know About ‘Manchester by the Sea’

The film is nominated for five Golden Globes. Here’s a rundown.

I will not take myself to Manchester By the Sea.
Events are too close to me.
I have not dealt with them.

N.Y. / Region

New Fleet of Fume-Free Trash Collectors Heads to Central Park

Gasoline-powered carts have improved garbage collection in Central Park, but they are noisy and smelly. A squadron of electric vehicles is coming to the rescue.

I have not been following the news from Central Park.
Trash Baskets have needed attention since 1938 at a guess.

These are better because they get constant attention and
do not deal with cigarette buts.
Human scavengers are less of a problem.


What You Need to Know About ‘La La Land’

The film is nominated for seven Golden Globes. Here’s a rundown.

I still dream of understanding aesthetics.


What You Need to Know About ‘Moonlight’

The film is nominated for six Golden Globes. Here’s a rundown.

I never joined society.


John Lewis Puts Race at Center of Jeff Sessions Hearing

Mr. Lewis, a Georgia Democrat, said the law-and-order mantra of the nominee for attorney general harked back to the civil rights era.

Jeff Sessions is an old Alabama politician.

The Republican Senate will confirm him.


Roy Innis, Black Activist With a Right-Wing Bent, Dies at 82

Mr. Innis, the leader of CORE, took a go-it-alone approach to black empowerment, and had no use for desegregation and affirmative action.

That battle continues.
I am watching for a different solution.
I have not found one.
I continue to watch.

N.Y. / Region

New York Traffic Deaths Dip Again. It’s Not Enough, Mayor’s Critics Say.

The overall number of fatalities dropped only slightly last year as pedestrian deaths rose, leading some to question whether Bill de Blasio’s safety campaign has stalled.

Careful thinking is required.
Vision Zero does not provide it.
The driving population does not provide it
Pedestrians and cyclists don't do much thinking. 

Business Day

Trump’s Industry Criticisms Shift Detroit Auto Show’s Focus

Ford and Fiat Chrysler announced at the show that it would create jobs in the United States, and the industry grappled with what direction to take from this point.

The automakers have learned they are in a vulnerable position.
They will be bankrupt if Trump keeps his promises or they will be Mexican, Canadian and Chinese.  There is a market in Russia and one in Africa.

Real Estate

$700,000 Homes in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Florida

An 18th-century farmhouse in Glen Mills, Pa., and midcentury moderns in Chapel Hill, N.C., and Sarasota, Fla.

We need to talk.


President Obama’s Farewell Address: Full Video and Text

The text and live video of President Obama’s farewell address in Chicago.




Rights Battles Emerge in Cities Where Homelessness Can Be a Crime

Activists and homeless people are waging public campaigns and court fights against local laws that ban urban camping, as some politicians urge a “zero tolerance” policy.


Real Estate

A Ski Resort Grows Under an Expansive Montana Sky

Big Sky, one of the country’s largest ski areas, is relatively undiscovered. But $1 billion in development set for the next decade seems sure to change that.

A billion dollars marks any landscape.
Down hill skiing does not improve mountains as hotels do not improve beaches.


Gang Database Criticized for Denying Due Process May Be Used for Deportations

The A.C.L.U. is suing over sweeping gang injunctions issued in Los Angeles that could also be used to round up supposed criminal immigrants, even when there is no evidence or trial.

Gang injunctions are suspiciously close to Bills of Atainder.
Such instruments are unconstitutional.

Business Day

Smaller Airports Get the Attention of International Carriers

Direct access to ski resorts.

N.Y. / Region

New Fleet of Fume-Free Trash Collectors Heads to Central Park

Durability of batteries has been a problem


Seven Questions About Health Reform

Vague promises are not enough when we are considering enormous changes in our $3 trillion medical economy.

If congress insists on being stupid I cannot stop it.

It should put a program in place before ending Obamacare.


Giant Sequoia ‘Tunnel Tree’ in California Is Toppled by Storm

N.Y. / Region

D’Amato Removed From Plane After Urging Walkout Over Delays

Alphonse D'Amato is objectionable.


Trump Pushes Republicans for Immediate Repeal of Obama Health Law

President-elect Donald J. Trump said he wants to replace the Affordable Care Act as soon as it is repealed, but party leaders in Congress have said it could take years to create a health plan to take its place.

20,000,000 newly uninsured would be created.


A Fix for Gender Bias in Health Care? Check.

At Johns Hopkins Hospital, a simple checklist virtually erased a disparity in treatment between men and women.

Check lists work.  Use them.


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