Tuesday, October 25, 2016

@15:00, 10/25/16



For Gordon Hamilton, a Life of Discovery and Danger

Dr. Hamilton, who was killed in Antarctica over the weekend, studied glaciers with our future in mind, and with a smile.

Dr. Gordon Hamilton will be missed.


Why Are Americans So Anxious?

In “America the Anxious,” the British observer Ruth Whippman argues that Americans’ striving for happiness makes us miserable.

  1. Experiencing the effect of favourable fortune; having the feeling arising from the consciousness of well-being or of enjoyment; enjoying good of any kind, as peace, tranquillity, comfort; contented; joyous.
    Music makes me feel happy.
  2. Favored by luck or fortune; lucky.
  3. Dexterous; ready; apt; felicitous.
  4. Content, satisfied (with or to do something); having no objection (to something).
    Are you happy to pay me back by the end of the week?
    Are you happy with your internet service provider?
  5. (as a suffix to a noun) favouring or inclined to use, as in trigger-happy.
Favorable fortune is not manufactured.

N.Y. / Region

Haggling in the Rain

A sidewalk negotiation yields a modest bargain, and something more.

A hug is better than a handshake.

The Learning Network

What’s Going On in This Picture? | Oct. 24, 2016

Look closely at this image, stripped of its caption, and join the moderated conversation about what you and other students see.

Meat cutters are participating in a mandated stretch session.


Fearing Trump, Bar Association Stifles Report Calling Him a ‘Libel Bully’

Critics of the American Bar Association said the decision was ironic since the group is supposed to explore issues about threats to free speech.

"Alarmed by Donald J. Trump’s record of filing lawsuits to punish and silence his critics, a committee of media lawyers at the American Bar Association commissioned a report on Mr. Trump’s litigation history. The report concluded that Mr. Trump was a “libel bully” who had filed many meritless suits attacking his opponents and had never won in court.
But the bar association refused to publish the report, citing “the risk of the A.B.A. being sued by Mr. Trump.”"


Should the Food Industry Sneak Vegetables Into Food?

When companies hide produce in pizza or pasta, kids aren’t learning healthy habits, experts say.

"The food industry" has only the  goal of maximized profit.

N.Y. / Region

Report Highlights How Guns Flow Into New York From States With Weaker Laws

An analysis by the state attorney general’s office found that 75 percent of the weapons seized in crimes that could be traced were bought outside New York.

As long as guns can be freely purchased they can and will be moved across state lines.


A Guidebook to Chef Tattoos

Stories and drawings decode the popular adornments of the modern chef.

I would like to understand the impulse to get a tattoo.
It would add to my understanding of people.


Health and Jobs

A cardiologist writes that behavioral health care can alleviate depression, reduce pain and speed a return to work.


Unemployment is depressing.

Fashion & Style

Samantha Wolf, Benjamin Ryan

The couple, who met via Tinder, were wed at the W Hotel in New York.

Sooner is better.   As soon as you can is best.

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