Thursday, October 20, 2016

@10:30, 10/19/16



Trump Foundation Tells New York It Has Stopped Soliciting After State Order

The state attorney general’s office said the Donald J. Trump Foundation had also requested and was granted an extension for filing its financial paperwork.

Now for some information.

Your Money

Big Adventures Will Be Hard. Did You Expect Something Else?

The lessons learned while pushing yourself outside your comfort zone can be invaluable, a financial planner writes.

I hope to find the bounds of my comfort zone.


The Billy Joel Defense

The Long Island singer has an unexpected moment in the political spotlight.

The work of Billy Joel can stand for him.


10 Infant Deaths May Be Related to Teething Remedies, F.D.A. Says

The agency has warned parents to stop using homeopathic products following numerous reports of side effects.

Let the agency work.

N.Y. / Region

Making Up the Difference on the Meter

When a trip to La Guardia Airport costs more than it should, a cabdriver goes out of his way to set things right.

A regular customer is a treasure.


Planets Spinning the ‘Wrong’ Way

There are theories, but no certainty, for why Venus rotates clockwise. In the solar system, only Venus and Uranus do so.

Make your best guess.
Angular momentum.


An Agent Shot a Boy Across the U.S. Border. Can His Parents Sue?

The Supreme Court will decide whether the Constitution covers a teenager who was
on the Mexican side of the line when an American guard killed him.

The case is one for the diplomats.
Mr. Mesa is in the wrong. 
Reparations are probably in order.

N.Y. / Region

Full Train Service to Resume in Hoboken Terminal

Starting at 4 a.m. Monday, six additional tracks will open at the terminal, restoring full service into and out of the hub, according to New Jersey Transit.

I expect no trouble.
The failure appears to be in the control box of the crashed train.


Californians, Having Curbed Bilingual Education, May Now Expand It

A ballot measure in November seeks to overturn limits passed in 1998, an effort that will test how the state’s attitude toward immigrants has changed in two decades.

The debate is about assimilation.
The denial of assimilation is racism.
The demand for total assimilation is colonialism.
There may be an intermediate condition.
The search is worthwhile.


Donald Trump and Other Animals

I compared him to an insect. But maybe that didn’t go far enough.

I am allergic to Donald Trump.

N.Y. / Region

A 600-Year-Old Oak Tree Finally Succumbs

A tree in New Jersey that is older than America was unable to withstand the stress of the August heat this year, an arborist said.

Replacements are necessary.


Ex-F.B.I. Official Acknowledges Role in New Clinton Email Controversy

Brian McCauley said “all bets were off” on his offer to swap favors with a State Department counterpart once he found out a classification issue involved the Benghazi attack.

"Mr. McCauley recounted in the interview that Patrick F. Kennedy, a senior State Department official, called him in spring 2015 looking for help in getting the F.B.I. to agree not to classify the disputed email. Mr. McCauley said he had agreed to try to help him if Mr. Kennedy would help him get the State Department to restore two spots that the F.B.I. had lost recently in the Baghdad embassy.
“I’m the one that threw that out there,” Mr. McCauley said of the offer. He said that he was concerned the two vacant posts posed a security risk at the embassy, and that the offer was typical of how federal agencies “help each other and work with each other.”"

The story should have no "legs".

Fashion & Style

Mika Morse, Cole Berrier

The couple work in the Washington office of Senator Brian E. Schatz, a Hawaii Democrat.

Sooner is better.  As soon as you can is best.


Should We See Everything a Cop Sees?

Body cameras have been promoted as a solution to police misconduct. But the strange two-year saga of Seattle shows just how complicated total transparency can be.

The problem is the public records law.

Something like a search warrant should be required.

Neutral parties to issue such a warrant may be hard to identify.

N.Y. / Region

Helicopter Trip Becomes Another Stumble for Mayor de Blasio

The ride, during the evening rush, has caused a headache for Mayor Bill de Blasio, as a photo and a video of a copter parked in a city park have ricocheted around the internet.

The mayor gets to do things the public can't.


How to stop your period

More women are trying menstruation suppression to improve their quality of life.

If it is reasonably safe it is a personal choice.


Coke, Pepsi and Climate Change

A U.S. senator says the lobbying presence in Congress of the companies that supported a climate pact is opposed to the principles of that pact.

Companies are not voters.
Company officials have the right to lobby.
Companies should not have that right.

The money for a lobbyist must come from voters.
Other nations should work through the State Department.

Fashion & Style

Linda Vongkhamchanh, Alexander Gittleson

The bride, who works at Refinery29, and the groom, who produces documentaries, met while working at NBC.

Sooner is better.  As soon as you can is best.

N.Y. / Region

One Family’s Struggle With Microcephaly, the Birth Defect Now Linked to Zika

Watching the unfolding epidemic and concerned that many people did not grasp what it meant to raise a child with the condition, a Manhattan couple offered to share their experience.


N.Y. / Region

New Jersey Is Known for Cheap Gas. The Glory Days Are About to End.

The low prices are a point of pride for residents, and a reason for visitors to fill up before going home. That may change next month when the per-gallon tax rises 23 cents.

Standard Oil is not paying the bills.
Standard Oil has been broken up. 


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