Thursday, September 8, 2016

@9:00, 9/8/16


Fashion & Style

A Tour of the Architect Reinaldo Leandro’s Manhattan Living Room

The architect trains his exacting eye on his own cozy, light-filled apartment.

A paean to incompatible taste.
Each has a studio/office that are more interesting.


Ruling Tips Uber Drivers Away From Class-Action Suits

A federal appeals court ruled private arbitration agreements are enforceable in a case over Uber’s background checks, which the company may use to fight other class-action cases.

There is an opportunity for new law here.
Individual arbitrations  are not applicable to class behaviors.
Congress must be convinced to make the necessary law.
Asymetric negotiation is a zero sum game. The lesser party always loses.


What’s the Value of Exercise? $2,500

An analysis of more than 26,000 men and women found that a little exercise can result in big savings on medical bills.

Averages are deceptive.
Health disasters are not evenly distributed in time or in space.
$2,500 is important to insurance companies.


Lisa Lucas Wants to Make Reading Fun Again

The executive director of the National Book Foundation on inclusivity in publishing, genre fiction as literature and getting her Uber drivers to read more.

I can make better pictures in my head than any director can make in a studio. 

The problem is to make them move and speak.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit begins to explain.

N.Y. / Region

Another Sunny Day on the Lower East Side

A poet’s nice day: a green tea at a cafe, a smooth shave and home for retro TV.

Once the rent collector did not always crack the whip of destitution.
Labor was not in surplus locally.
Frank Stella has led us astray.
Art is an integration, a summing, of  experience by design.

MOMA does not smell right in the current version.

N.Y. / Region

Prosecutors Describe Bungled Robbery in Killing of Hasidic Landlord

The trial of Kendel Felix, who is accused of killing Menachem Stark of Brooklyn, began with allegations that Mr. Felix had kidnapped Mr. Stark to recover a debt.

Bad fiction.
Kendel Felix may yet learn the value of suspension of disbelief.
It will not save him from the torture of prison.


Daily Report: Highlight of the Apple Hype: Wireless Earbuds

The usual swarm of rumor and speculation points to the end of the iPhone headphone jack.

I do not expect to be surprised.
Apple has not broken theft by copyright.


Happy Labor Day!

Patty melts, ice cream cake and more for a day of celebration.

The drought is not broken.
I make patty melts.  I avoid sugar.

N.Y. / Region

Judge, Citing Inequality, Orders Connecticut to Overhaul Its School System

In a decision that could fundamentally reshape public education in the state, a judge on Wednesday ordered changes in everything from how schools are financed to how teachers are paid and evaluated.

The liberal arts have won a battle in their contest with vocational training.
The crafts are not social, meaning verbal, in our culture.
Moving construction into the verbal realm produces engineering.
Moving the craft of construction further into the verbal results in mathematics.
As the craft of language shifts toward construction there is poetry music and literature
and ultimately abstract mathematics.


No ‘For Sale’ Sign? Silicon Valley Buyers Aren’t Deterred

So few homes are on the market that buyers are getting more aggressive and innovative in approaching owners who haven’t officially decided to sell.

Everything is for sale at the right price.
The price is not always all in money.
"Things are worth what one will pay for them."
Most goods are not commodities.
There is a range both of supply and demand.
Auction in small lots discovers the range.
High speed trading, flipping, attempts to hide the range.


New York Gets a New Helping of Barbecue

The Southern invasion continues this fall, mostly in Brooklyn and Queens.

Meat means new wealth.
Old wealth eats mostly vegetables.

N.Y. / Region

New York Can’t Block Late-Term Abortion in Certain Cases, Schneiderman Says

In a new legal opinion, Eric T. Schneiderman, the attorney general, gives hospitals and clinics in New York the legal grounding to perform late-term abortions in some cases.

"“New York law cannot criminalize what the federal Constitution protects, and thus the Penal Law should be interpreted to be consistent with the Constitution,” the opinion says.
While the state law remains on the books, the opinion from Mr. Schneiderman, a Democrat, now gives hospitals and clinics the legal grounding to perform such abortions. Reproductive rights advocates say that no providers currently offer such procedures in New York, so doctors have to send women who need late-term abortions elsewhere — most often to Colorado, where they are legal."          Bookmarked.


Will the New iPhone Have a Headphone Jack? Rumormongers Say It Won’t

Apple is expected to unveil the latest model on Wednesday, but if word is true that it will be without this basic feature, devotees may be left disenchanted.

It has a USB port.


Doctors on Lookout for Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Spain

A hospital patient in Madrid died of the illness, the first finding of the fever in Western Europe in someone who had not traveled to an endemic area.

"Although Crimean-Congo fever behaves somewhat like Ebola, it is not in the same viral family. It is a bunyavirus, related to Rift Valley fever and hantaviruses."

Pay attention.


I’ll Have What She Had: A Friend’s Competitive Memoir About Nora Ephron

Richard Cohen reminisces about Nora Ephron, not always to her advantage, in “She Made Me Laugh.”

Writers take notes on everything.
The politic writers wait for the prime sources to die.

N.Y. / Region

Lawmakers Skeptical of State’s Explanation for Hoosick Falls Water Crisis

At a legislative hearing, New York Department of Health officials placed blame for the upstate water crisis on the Environmental Protection Agency.

Most of the noise is panic.
I will happily wait a few years before I increase my exposure.

N.Y. / Region

Record of Officer in Eric Garner Case Should Be Public, Officials Argue

Daniel Pantaleo’s disciplinary history should remain confidential, Mayor Bill de Blasio said, disagreeing with many members of the City Council and a judge’s ruling.

I agree with Mayor Bill de Blasio.
The grand jury saw the record.
Daniel Pantaleo is not indited.


‘Fear the Walking Dead’ Season 2, Episode 10: We’ve Done Worse

Everyone is trying to convince themselves that help is coming.


"What if you took the zombies out of the “Dead” universe?
What if the questions asked by the show (“Why is this happening?” “Why hasn’t help arrived?” “Where is God?”) weren’t about anything other than our humdrum, zombie-free life?
It might then resemble any standard night of anxious soul searching, when, to quote J. R. R. Tolkien, we speak “ to the darkness, alone, in the bitter watches of the night, when all [our lives seem] shrinking”?"


Chicago’s Plan to Toughen Oversight of Police Is Under Fire

Some activists say that Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s plan lacks teeth and that more must be done to guarantee that two new oversight agencies are given enough money and influence.

Governance has improved.
Voting matters.

N.Y. / Region

L.I.U.-Brooklyn Locks Out Professors Amid Contract Dispute

Administrators at the university, which canceled the faculty members’ health insurance over the weekend, said pre-emptive measures were necessary to prevent a possible strike.

History is an important subject.

Probably L.I.U. is governed from the revealed morality of capitalism.


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