Thursday, March 22, 2012

@18:10, 03/21/12 4


  • TimesPeople recommended a video:
    Mar 21, 2012
    Bill Cunningham | On Point
    I found it very strange to see women in business formal ending in the spongy clown feet called cross trainers.

    We have looked at barefoot running.  
    It is near ideal for the dusty African highlands where our feet evolved.
    Bare feet are not a good idea on a cinder track.  
    Cinders are not now a part of our lives.  
    The track spikes of a hundred years ago are not acceptable.
    The very light shoe that protected the runner's feet from the assaults of the track is an appreciated rediscovery.
    The random detritus on a city street will put shoes on a dog. 

    The ballet flats that Bill Cunningham notes visually give the same small foot effect as a high heel.  They do not produce the height gain or the unstable gait.  They are a very practical aesthetic compromise.

    "Fats" Waller: Your Feets Too Big 

    • TimesPeople recommended a video:
      Mar 21, 2012
      An Interview With Marc Puig
      I have not spent decades thinking about scent.
      I understand that it is a very associative discourse..
      I really have enough trouble with color.
      If you want to play I will be happy to back you.
      I would as soon just try to be neutral.


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