Monday, August 10, 2020

@23:45, , 8/7/20



Joe Arpaio Loses Arizona Primary to Reclaim His Old Job as Sheriff

Hank Stephenson at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 1 hour ago
Voters instead backed Jerry Sheridan, Mr. Arpaio’s former chief deputy, who promised to revive many of Mr. Arpaio’s policies but without the showmanship.
 Southern Arizona believes in sadism.
Joe Arpaio is too notorious as a sadist.  He may be mellowing.

Away From Gridlock in Washington, Trump Puts on a Show for His Club

Annie Karni and Maggie Haberman at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 1 hour ago
The president held what was billed as a news conference. But there was almost no news, he again said the virus would disappear and his audience seemed at times less the nation than his golf club members.
Donald Trump tried executive orders with his wall.
He does not have the power.

Postal Service Leader Sets Reorganization Amid Scrutiny Over Mail Ballots

Michael D. Shear at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 1 hour ago
The Trump donor who runs the post office pledged that such changes would not affect the ability to deliver ballots on time this fall.
The postmark makes the ballot cast.
The Republican party must follow the laws.

Trump Threatens to Bypass Congress as Stimulus Talks Fail Again

Emily Cochrane and Jim Tankersley at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 3 hours ago
Democrats said the talks had been “disappointing,” and President Trump promised to use executive orders to provide relief if no agreement could be reached.
Trump does not hurt enough.

Red Cross Cancels Guantánamo Visit Over Coronavirus Cases

Carol Rosenberg at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 3 hours ago
The pandemic has forced the longest absence of the humanitarian organization from the remote military prison in Cuba since it opened in January 2002.
The existence of the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, is a war crime.

Trump’s Orders on WeChat and TikTok Are Uncertain. That May Be the Point.

Ana Swanson at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 4 hours ago
The restrictions on the two Chinese-owned apps followed a familiar model for other policy announcements on China from the Trump administration.
Trump may not have the necessary power.

Russia Continues Interfering in Election to Try to Help Trump, U.S. Intelligence Says

Julian E. Barnes at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 5 hours ago
But a new assessment says China would prefer to see the president defeated, though it is not clear Beijing is doing much to meddle in the 2020 campaign to help Joseph R. Biden Jr.
I like the open internet.
"Go and poison him right back"

Pence Will Visit Wisconsin While Biden Stays Home From Milwaukee Convention

Annie Karni at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 5 hours ago
The vice president’s decision underscored the different political wagers the two campaigns are making about the value of traveling to battleground states.
People want to be heard.

Is TikTok More of a Parenting Problem Than a Security Threat?

David E. Sanger and Julian E. Barnes at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 5 hours ago
Even as the White House moves against the Chinese social media app, the intelligence agencies do not see it as a major issue along the lines of Huawei.
The tide will rise despite the royal order.

House Can Sue to Force Testimony From McGahn, Appeals Court Rules

Hailey Fuchs at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 7 hours ago
A court endorsed the House Judiciary Committee’s ability to pursue testimony from the former White House counsel as part of its oversight responsibilities.
The House has the power to investigate.

Marquita Bradshaw on Her Tennessee Primary Victory: ‘I Could See the Momentum’

Elaina Plott at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 7 hours ago
Ms. Bradshaw, an environmental justice advocate, is the first Black woman to be nominated for the Senate by a major party in Tennessee. “Working people showed that my viability was different,” she said.
"“Working people showed that my viability was different,” she said. “I knew it was going to happen — I could see the momentum.”" 
She has interesting vision.

Pompeo Warned Russia Against Bounties on U.S. Troops in Afghanistan

Edward Wong and Eric Schmitt at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 9 hours ago
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is said to have sternly discussed payouts and red lines in a telephone call with Sergey V. Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister.

Why Joe Biden Keeps Missing His Own V.P. Deadlines

Katie Glueck at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 9 hours ago
On issues big and small, Joseph R. Biden Jr. will not be rushed, including the critical choice of a running mate. He’s deliberative, and he doesn’t mind extending his timetable — again and again.
It is a hard problem.

Brent Scowcroft, a Force on Foreign Policy for 40 Years, Dies at 95

Robert D. McFadden at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 12 hours ago
He was a national security adviser to President Ford and the first President Bush and an influential voice in Washington for decades.
Everyone does it at least once.

America Is About To Feel Like A 3rd World Nation

Ian Welsh at Ian Welsh - 15 hours ago
I spent a good chunk of my childhood in third world countries. Most of it was in Bangladesh, then arguably the poorest country in the world, but I visited or lived in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Nepal and India, among others. There’s a feel to the third world one becomes familiar with: beggars, infrastructure that doesn’t […]
Ian Welsh is a bit dark. 

Why an Accurate Census Is So Important

Giovanni Russonello at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 16 hours ago
The Census Bureau’s move to cut its collection period short by one month in the midst of an already challenging pandemic has unnerved pollsters.
The census sets how the house will be proportioned for the next ten years. 

Targeting WeChat, Trump Takes Aim at China’s Bridge to the World

Paul Mozur and Raymond Zhong at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 16 hours ago
The all-purpose app, which the administration is restricting along with TikTok, is how many Chinese living abroad stay in touch with one another, and with people back home.
Trump and the Republicans contend that all money belongs to them.
Money is someone else's debt.

Judge Dismisses G.O.P. Suit to End Proxy Voting in House During Pandemic

Luke Broadwater at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 23 hours ago
A federal judge ruled that the Constitution protected the right of the House of Representatives to make its own rules.
People do not do perfect.
People do better.

Bill Hagerty Wins Tough Tennessee Primary With Trump’s Endorsement

Elaina Plott at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 1 day ago
The fractious race to replace the outgoing Lamar Alexander signified an end to the moderate tenor that has long defined Tennessee Republicanism.
"Down the rabbit hole"

Trump, Facing Headwinds in Ohio, Talks Up Economy in Campaign Swing

Maggie Haberman at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 1 day ago
The president came into 2020 considering the state a lock, but his performance in managing the pandemic and delivering on his promises from four years ago could put it in play.
Trump has always sold fantasy without the label. 

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