Sunday, July 26, 2020

@22:02, , 7/25/20



From Alabama to the Capitol, the Journey to Honor John Lewis

The New York Times at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 4 hours ago
Family and friends gathered to remember the civil rights figure.
Do it as necessary.
Agitate.  Always agitate.
Forgetfulness is trivially easy.

A 2020 Question 100 Days Out: Will the Elections Be Free and Fair?

Katie Glueck at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 9 hours ago
President Trump baselessly rages about voter fraud, while Joe Biden warns of foreign interference.
Failure is not an option.

Officials Push U.S.-China Relations Toward Point of No Return

Edward Wong and Steven Lee Myers at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 9 hours ago
Top aides to President Trump want to leave a lasting legacy of ruptured ties between the two powers. China’s aggression has been helping their cause.
Diplomacy is the path.  
Trump cannot stay diplomatic.

Compensation for Embassy Bombing Victims Could Imperil Thaw With Sudan

Lara Jakes at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 14 hours ago
A settlement to compensate victims of the 1998 attacks in Kenya and Tanzania would award more money to American embassy employees than the Africans.
Diplomacy is the path.  
Trump cannot stay diplomatic.

Mothers’ Power in U.S. Protests Echoes a Global Tradition

Amanda Taub at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 14 hours ago
When mothers take to the streets — particularly those from privileged groups — governments take note. The “wall of moms” in Portland has taken up the cause against police violence.
Diplomacy is the path.  
Trump cannot stay diplomatic.

Will Trump’s Abrupt Shift on Coronavirus Re-energize His Campaign?

Adam Nagourney at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 14 hours ago
President Trump’s cancellation of the convention in Florida and sudden embrace of masks may signal his acceptance of a political landscape transformed by the pandemic.
Trump is known to lie.

Anatomy of an Election ‘Meltdown’ in Georgia

Danny Hakim, Reid J. Epstein and Stephanie Saul at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 14 hours ago
New voting machines and the pandemic exacerbated distrust of the state’s oversight of elections and voter access. What does this mean for November?
The governing oligarchy in the state of Georgia has lost "legitimacy". 

President Trump Bows to Reality: This Week in the 2020 Race

Astead W. Herndon and Annie Karni at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 14 hours ago
Mr. Trump tried to convey a measure of seriousness about the coronavirus pandemic, backtracking on previous positions and behavior. How long will it last?
I can hope it lasts the remainder of his political life. (14 weeks)

Open Thread

Ian Welsh at Ian Welsh - 17 hours ago
As usual, feel free to use comments to discuss topics unrelated to recent posts.
I am in contract on 277 Camden Valley Road, Salem N.Y.
There is no cable as yet.  
Structure is yellow cedar "log", well made.
The property is sand on slate. It is in mixed young white pine.
An hour east of the Saratoga meeting.
Sooner is better.    As soon as you can is best.

The F.B.I. Pledged to Keep a Source Anonymous. Trump Allies Aided His Unmasking.

Adam Goldman and Charlie Savage at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 17 hours ago
After a Russia expert who had collected research on Donald Trump for a disputed dossier agreed to tell the F.B.I. what he knew about it, law enforcement officials declassified a road map to identifying him.
Trump and his allies are known to lie.

Thanks to Trump, Jacksonville Becomes Political Roadkill

Patricia Mazzei at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 17 hours ago
Successfully hosting a Republican National Convention during a pandemic could have been a big moment for Florida’s biggest city. But the coronavirus got in the way.
Trump has bad habbits.

Will It Take a Clever Acronym to Stop Racially Motivated 911 Calls?

Evan Nicole Brown at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 23 hours ago
A San Francisco politician thinks a new bill — named the “CAREN Act” — could be what it takes to get people’s attention, and limit potential harm.
Community policing is the only solution that occurs to me.
Mechanical filtering will not work without distant authority or mind reading.

Clash of the Historians: Paper on Andrew Jackson and Trump Causes Turmoil

Jennifer Schuessler at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 23 hours ago
A paper accusing scholars of “historical malpractice” upended an academic society and stirred arguments about racism, history and the limits of debate.
Andrew Jackson did not believe in universal suffrage.

‘Mugged by Reality,’ Trump Finds Denial Won’t Stop the Pandemic

Peter Baker at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 1 day ago
A president who once claimed that “the worst days of the pandemic are behind us” now acknowledges that it has surged through much of the country and will “get worse before it gets better.”
In Arizona the Covid-19 death rate is between 7% and 8%.
These are "Black Death" numbers.

Inside Trump’s About-Face on the Republican Convention in Jacksonville

Annie Karni, Alexander Burns and Patricia Mazzei at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 1 day ago
Faced with a surging pandemic, resistance from local officials in Florida and deadlines for items like hotel payments, Mr. Trump chose to cancel the convention in an effort to cast himself as putting safety first.
Trump is a hypocrite as are his partisans.

U.S. Warns Russia, China and Iran Are Trying to Interfere in the Election. Democrats Say It’s Far Worse.

David E. Sanger and Julian E. Barnes at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 1 day ago
The government statement was short on details, reminiscent of the vague warnings in 2016 that, in retrospect, failed to seize the attention of officials and voters before the last presidential election.
Other sovereign states and powers have sought influence at U.S. elections from the first.

As He Woos Drugmakers on Virus, Trump Demands Drug Price Controls

Margot Sanger-Katz, Noah Weiland and Katie Thomas at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 1 day ago
President Trump is trying to revive a 2016 campaign promise to control the rising price of medicines, but new executive orders are coming when he needs drugmakers to deliver coronavirus treatments.
Trump does not bargain.

Kimberly Guilfoyle’s Fund-Raising for Trump Draws Scrutiny

Kenneth P. Vogel and Maggie Haberman at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 1 day ago
Ms. Guilfoyle has raised money from donors and has made inroads with some who have rejected calls from others. Yet Trump supporters inside and outside the campaign say the operation she’s built hasn’t lived up to expectations.
She may not be selling her body.

C.D.C. Calls On Schools to Reopen, Downplaying Coronavirus Risks

Abby Goodnough at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 1 day ago
The agency’s statement followed earlier criticism from President Trump that its guidelines for reopening were too “tough.”
Thinking school administrators will not reopen before Covid-19 is generally cured.

Safe to Go Out? Republicans and Democrats Widely Split

Ben Casselman and Jim Tankersley at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 1 day ago
A survey shows that the partisan divide on the coronavirus goes beyond masks. It extends to dining out, getting on a plane and resuming other activities.
Trump partisans believe in Gnostic magic.

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