Sunday, June 28, 2020

@14:30, . 6/27/20



Princeton Will Remove Woodrow Wilson’s Name From School

Bryan Pietsch at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 42 minutes ago
University trustees concluded that Wilson’s “racist thinking and policies make him an inappropriate namesake for a school or college,” Princeton’s president said on Saturday.  -  -  -  Democrat, 
First Democrat elected president after Reconstruction.

The politics of the name changes are not simple.

As the Coronavirus Spreads, Drug Pricing Legislation Remains Stalled

Noah Weiland at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 3 hours ago
For both parties, taking action to reduce the cost of prescription drugs was a banner policy issue before the coronavirus outbreak. Does it still have a chance?

Not this year.
The pharmaceutical sellers have no interest in lower prices.

How Americans Feel About the Country Right Now: Anxious. Hopeful.

Lisa Lerer, Elaina Plott and Lazaro Gamio at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 3 hours ago
Exhausted and angry as they face a series of crises, many voters nevertheless remain optimistic about the future, a poll shows, viewing this moment as a chance for progress, one they can help shape.

Wise leadership will help.

‘PizzaGate’ Conspiracy Theory Thrives Anew in the TikTok Era

Cecilia Kang and Sheera Frenkel at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 9 hours ago
The false theory targeting Democrats, now fueled by QAnon and teenagers on TikTok, is entangling new targets like Justin Bieber.

Time is uncertain on the net.

Black Trans Women Seek More Space in the Movement They Helped Start

Isabella Grullón Paz and Maggie Astor at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 9 hours ago
At no point have black trans people shared fully in the gains of the L.G.B.T.Q. or racial justice movements. This may be changing.

Power in a democratic organization is earned.

A Reckoning With Race to Ensure Diversity for America’s Face Abroad

Lara Jakes at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 9 hours ago
The national conversation about discrimination is overdue at the State Department, according to those who have been disparaged in a culture that favors “pale, male and Yale” diplomats.

The Trump administration does not understand civil service.
Ambassadors are appointed by the president.


How Trump and the Black Lives Matter Movement Changed White Voters’ Minds

Astead W. Herndon and Dionne Searcey at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 9 hours ago
A majority of American voters support demonstrations on police brutality, and many see the president as ill-equipped on racial justice.

Thinking tends in a liberal direction.


Biden Still Wants to Close Guantánamo Prison
Carol Rosenberg at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 9 hours ago
The Obama administration ran into a wall of political opposition when it tried. The former vice president rarely brings up the topic and has yet to draw up a strategy but says he shares the goal.

The prison at Guantanamo bay is a war crime.

Open Thread

Ian Welsh at Ian Welsh - 14 hours ago
As usual, feel free to use the comments to this post to discuss topics unrelated to recent posts.

Sooner is better.   As soon as you can is best.


Trump Issues Executive Order Targeting Vandalism Against Monuments

Michael D. Shear at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 14 hours ago
The order also threatens to withhold funding from local governments that fail to protect their own statues from vandals.

Window dressing.


Judge Orders Roger Stone to Report to Prison Next Month

Sharon LaFraniere at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 16 hours ago
President Trump’s friend had sought a longer reprieve before he serves his sentence on seven felony convictions, citing the pandemic.

The answer was no.


Justice Dept. to Take Aim at Antigovernment Extremists

Katie Benner at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 18 hours ago
The attorney general said that extremists on the far right and left who committed acts of violence during protests against police brutality will be treated like organized crime or terrorists.

Loud noise.


Fact Checking Mike Pence on the Coronavirus Pandemic

Linda Qiu at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 18 hours ago
The vice president falsely claimed that increased testing “is generating” more cases, among other exaggerations and inaccurate claims.

Nothing inside.


New Numbers Showing Coronavirus Spread Intrude on a White House in Denial

Michael D. Shear and Maggie Haberman at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 18 hours ago
Both President Trump and Vice President Pence seem oblivious to the new chapter in the pandemic.

They are not paying attention.


House Approves D.C. Statehood in Historic Vote

Emily Cochrane at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 18 hours ago
It is the first time a chamber of Congress has approved establishing the nation’s capital as the 51st state. The measure is all but certain to die in the Republican-led Senate.


Appeals Court Rejects Trump’s Diversion of Military Funds for Border Wall

Zolan Kanno-Youngs at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 19 hours ago
An appeals court ruled that President Trump illegally diverted funding for his border wall without congressional approval, likely sending the issue to the Supreme Court.

The election should moot the isue.


Facebook Adds Labels for Some Posts as Advertisers Pull Back

Mike Isaac and Sheera Frenkel at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 19 hours ago
Posts about voting will direct viewers to accurate information, and violations from important political figures will be marked “newsworthy.”


‘TikTok Grandma’ Who Helped Tank Trump Rally Now Works for Biden

Kellen Browning at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 20 hours ago
Mary Jo Laupp, who made a viral TikTok video that disrupted a Trump campaign event, plans to create a “political hype house” to support Joe Biden.

Do what you can.


House Fails to Override Trump’s Veto Limiting Student Loan Debt Relief

Luke Broadwater at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 20 hours ago
Stringent new rules by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos are set to take effect on July 1 after the attempt to reverse them was defeated.

The best government money can buy.


House Approves D.C. Statehood in Historic Vote

Emily Cochrane at NYT > U.S. > Politics - 20 hours ago
It is the first time a chamber of Congress has approved establishing the nation’s capital as the 51st state. The measure is all but certain to die in the Republican-led Senate.


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