Tuesday, June 14, 2016

@8:30, 6/14/16


N.Y. / Region

Mrs. Sprat’s Ultimate Demise at Katz’s Deli

Exercise and dieting were no match for an invitation to the famous kosher delicatessen in the Lower East Side.

The hungry dream of food.

Fashion & Style

Britany Salsbury, Jonathan Noble

The bride is an art curator and the groom is a lawyer.

Sooner is better.  As soon as you can is best.


Officer Testifies About Van Ride Leading to Freddie Gray’s Death

Officer William G. Porter, whose own trial ended in a hung jury, said he did not believe Mr. Gray was hurt but urged the van’s driver, now on trial, to go to a hospital.

The judge will decide.


When Poverty and Homelessness Are Criminalized

The group Care for the Homeless writes of a “growing national trend.”

Learning from history:

N.Y. / Region

Retired Officer Fatally Shoots Man During Robbery Attempt at Queens Bar, Police Say

The authorities said the man had come into the Parkside Pub, in the Whitestone neighborhood, early Monday morning with a gun and was trying to rob patrons.

The sidearm  is a part of the identity of a police man.
Retirement removes the badge but not the identity.


A Rising Star of Madrid Night Life with a Prime Address

The hotel’s greatest allure is its rooftop terrace with panoramic views of Madrid’s famously ebullient architecture along Gran Via.

It might work.

I would like to know the result in a generation.  Will the guests children return?

N.Y. / Region

Studying the Tiger Swallowtail, a Familiar Sight Flitting in the City

These butterflies are not shy, and with a little practice, observers can learn the basics of how they communicate.

There is little brain and no mind at all.
Communication consists of sexual identity and possible toxicity.

Fashion & Style

Lindsay Burke, Joe Naughton

The bride is a nurse practitioner at Stamford Hospital, and the groom works for MasterCard.

I have no opinion on officiators.
Sooner is better.  As soon as you can is best.

Business Day

Coal Production Plummets to Lowest Level in 35 Years

Above-normal temperatures lowered electricity demand, but tougher regulations and cheaper alternatives have hurt the industry as well.

The World must giveup fossil carbon.
There is no real hope for coal.
It will be a slow process.
The coal industry is trying to recover sunk costs.

Your Money

Some Income the I.R.S. Doesn’t Need to Know About

A rare tax exemption applies to short-term rental income from your home, but mind the fine print.

Another game for accountants.

Business Day

Soledad O’Brien: Seek Out the Curious and the Fastidious

Ms. O’Brien, chief of the production company Starfish Media Group and a former CNN anchor, says you can’t teach curiosity or attention to detail.

Doing journalism well is a rare thing.
The editor is essential.
The news editor should not have to worry about the business model.
A city is an economic entity as is a nation state.
The fires and the murders are mostly entertainment.
We need to know when they affect the organization of the city.
Infrastructure changes are required reading.
They directly affect how a city lives.
Realestate law is part of infrastructure.


David Swinson’s ‘The Second Girl,’ and More

In “The Second Girl,” a private investigator with a drug habit agrees to look for a missing teenager.

I have not had time for detective stories in recent years.


Orlando and the History of Anti-Gay Violence

Sunday was far from the first time mass murder was visited on America’s L.G.B.T. community.


" (A)s more details of Mr. Mateen’s life emerge — including reports that he visited the nightclub, Pulse, and used a gay dating app — they have blurred rather than clarified these competing narratives. The question of why this attack happened, and the underlying question of what to do about it, have only become harder to answer."


Oregon Court Allows a Person to Choose Neither Sex

A judge on Friday allowed Jamie Shupe, a retired Army sergeant, to be legally classified as nonbinary, neither man nor woman.

Fine by me


Weasels Are Built for the Hunt

Members of the mustelid family, including badgers, ferrets and otters, have evolved into remarkable predators.

They will move into the city if they have not.


Review: Father Was a Vicious Bully. Then He Became a Woman.

In the memoir “In the Darkroom,” Susan Faludi writes of learning that her 76-year-old father, from whom she was estranged, had sex reassignment surgery.

I can't know how this fits.
Guesses are often wrong.


Sitora Yusufiy, Ex-Wife of Orlando Suspect, Describes Abusive Marriage

After a union in which she said he beat her, confiscated her paychecks and isolated her in their home, Ms. Yusufiy said she fled with the help of her parents.


" (A)s more details of Mr. Mateen’s life emerge — including reports that he visited the nightclub, Pulse, and used a gay dating app — they have blurred rather than clarified these competing narratives. The question of why this attack happened, and the underlying question of what to do about it, have only become harder to answer."

Fashion & Style

Margaret Lind and Mark Newey: A Message Never Mailed but Delivered

He put down in words why his former girlfriend should give him another chance, but the note never got to the mailbox.

Sooner is better.  As soon as you can is best.

Real Estate

A Full Floor Above Park Avenue for $59 Million

An unidentified buyer purchased the 79th floor of 432 Park Avenue, the tallest residential tower in the Western Hemisphere.

Just pay the taxes.


Replica of Noah’s Ark Is Damaged in Oslo Harbor Collision

A large model of the ship collided with a Coast Guard boat on Friday. No people (or animals) were injured during the crash.

The faithful can be silly and sometimes mad.


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